The Claims Resolution Tribunal for Dormant Accounts,

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Dr Paul Volcker

May 3, 2011, 12:27:12 PM5/3/11
The Claims Resolution Tribunal for Dormant Accounts,
Switzerland .
Grubenstrasse 78,
8045 ZпїЅrich , Switzerland.

Dear Sir,

Thanks for your swift response and read below my main point of contacting you.

The Independent Committee of Eminent Persons (Switzerland) released its Report on Dormant Accounts of Victims of Nazi Persecution in Swiss Banks today in Zurich , Switzerland . The Report is the culmination of an unprecedented three-year investigation that has thoroughly examined the conduct of the Swiss banking system over a 66-year period concerning these accounts.

The Committee was unanimous in supporting the findings and conclusions of the Report. It is chaired by (me) Mr. Paul A. Volcker, former Chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve Board, and is made up of 3 members and 2 alternates appointed by the Swiss Bankers Association, and the same number appointed by the World Jewish Restitution Organization and the World Jewish Congress (and Allied Organizations). Also I am an Ex-Chairman Economic Recovery Advisory Board ((ERAB) under President Barack Obama.

One major focus of the investigation was the identification of accounts that have a probable or possible relationship to victims of Nazi persecution. The accounts so identified as "probably or possibly" related to a victim vary widely in the degree of probability attached to them, and there is now no way of determining the number of accounts that will be claimed or that will be recognized for payment by the claims resolution process. Bearing these considerations in mind, 54,000 accounts were identified as probably or possibly related to victims. These identified accounts are the result of a careful review of some 4.1 million accounts out of 6.8 million accounts that are estimated to have existed in the 1933-45 period, leaving some 2.7 million accounts for which there was no surviving documentation and a gap that may have contained some victim accounts that cannot now be identified.

I really need your cooperation to move out some funds belonging to late Yigil Ehrenfreund (Holocaust Victim). The account has been found quiescent/dormant since 1945 and the credit balance is US$9.8M. I will bear all expenditures; you are ONLY required to provide a valid account to receive the funds. There is no risk attached if you can keep the deal private. Upon successful transfer of the funds into your account, my sharing will be 75% and yours 25% and must be after deduction of expenses.

I shall wait to receive your details if interested such as (legal name, verifiable home address, companyпїЅs name/address, private cell number, and verifiable scanned copy of your ID, private e-mail address only for this transaction, bank name, bank address, phone/fax numbers, account number, swift code, and routing number. My lawyer is waiting to submit the requested details to enable the Claims Commission commence with the funds release procedures.

Dr. Volcker A. Paul, PhD
Chairman-Independent Committee of Eminent Persons (ICEP) Switzerland
Ex-Chairman-Economic Recovery Advisory Board (ERAB) Washington DC, USA
Office Phone: +1-202-280-7431 (Confidential)

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