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Kristian Elof Sørensen

Jun 7, 2017, 6:38:39 PM6/7/17

Having played with Qubes 3.2 on my new laptop for a couple weeks, it is
time to share my findings. The HCL file is attached to this email.

  Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U CPU @ 2.50GHz
  Intel Corporation Wireless 8260 (rev 3a)
  qubes: R3.2
  xen:   4.6.5
  kernel: 4.8.12-12
In general things started to work out ok once I upgraded the kernel to
4.8.12, there was all sorts of weird problems before that upgrade,
which I will spare you.

Status with kernel 4.8.12-12:

Wifi, keyboard, touchpad & screen works. Batterystatus indicator seems
to be honest.

Daily use in general works fine. I have created an usb-vm, a windows10
vm as well as several others and used the machine for daily work (java
development, databases, email etc) for a while. Performance and
responsiveness when running 4-5 vms and quite a few memory hungry
applications is surprisingly good.

Keyboard backlight cannot be turned on.

Battery life is only half as good as advertised by ASUS. Powermanagement will blank the screen but hibernation and suspend to disk does not work. There is an error message along these lines "powersave verb not supported" when the machine was supposed to go into hibernation or suspend to disk.

High res video eg. youtube is awfully slow & jerky in the fedora vms (haven't tried in windows ot debian vms yet). I suppose software rendered rather than GPU pass-through. I have not yet looked into if this might be configurable or some other drives might be available etc.

Audio does not work. When I add the "Audio device" to a VM using the "VM manager" I get a "You've enabled dynamic memore balancing, some devices might not work!" message. When I press on and try to start the vm, it fails to start with the message: "Internal error: unable to reset PCI device, no FLR, PM reset or bus reset available".

The Asus MiniDock that came with the laptop works like a charm (It is a
tiny USB-C 3.1 -> HDMI, USB-3.0 and USB-C 3.1 device). 
I have tested it with a 2560x1440 monitor, a VGA projector and a USB
stick. No problems observed.

The Asus SimPro Dick 1A works partly. 
USB-3.0 and the powerbutton works.
Ethernet does not work. No ethernet device shows up when plugged in. 
External monitors, does show a picture during boot. Erratic behavior
after login, sometimes it works fine, sometimes one or both external
monitors goes blank complaining of "no signal". Picture quality seem ok
when there is a picture.
Not yet tested: Audio, USB-C and SD-card reader

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