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HCL - Dell Inspiron 7537 (Qubes R3.0 RC1)

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May 1, 2015, 7:18:07 PM5/1/15
What works (almost) out of the box:

- VGA display (local - the machine only has HDMI output for external display, I don't have a cable)
- sound
- wireless networking
- USB bus
- sleep/resume
- Fn keys (sound/LCD brightness/keyboard backlight brightness)

What doesn't work out of the box:
- No DisposableVMs - xl list shows a DispVM domain there, but there is no indication in Qubes VM manager and no windows.
- On restore from sleep, wireless networking does not return - we're told by NetworkManager that "Wi-Fi is disabled by hardware switch"


1. The default GRUB selection is set to "Advanced options for Qubes".

2. The installer completed successfully. During first boot, the last step of the post-install configuration (creation of default service & appVMs) seemed to fail with a long "firstboot failure!" message that said: (attaching photo)
- Starting Qubes networking failed
- Creating default DisposableVM faile

3. Startup of sys-net VM failed with an error about "unable to reset PCI device 03:00, not doing bus reset". The sys-net VM only started when I removed the auto-selected PCI device via the VM settings GUI and I only assigned the wireless network controller to this VM.

4. sudo qubes-dom0-updates worked as expected, but when I clicked the "update VM system" icon of Qubes VM Manager (as it had marked fedora-21 as having available updates), I got a message that there were no updates to install. Of course firing up a terminal and doing sudo yum update pulled down 30+ updates. (I believe this is an old bug)

5. "poweroff" doesn't seem to actually power down the laptop - it remains forever in the having-shutdown-but-not-cut-the-power state.


Sep 30, 2015, 2:05:38 PM9/30/15
to qubes-users
I've similar issue, the r2 will install the vms but the r3 rc3 will launch a message at the end of installation saying first boot failure and a long list of errors and won't create any vm, nor firewall, network vms or fedora templates
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