unread,Jan 26, 2015, 11:36:01 AM1/26/15Sign in to reply to author
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Good afternoon,
I've been trying to install Qubes on my laptop for the past days. However, I was never able to bypass "initrd.img Loaded". What I mean is, that nomatter which boot option I tried, it always only showed:
initrd.img.... Loaded
At first, I assumed, that my stick would be at fault, however I now was able to install Qubes on an external drive using my (very old) second notebook. I thought, that I would be able to boot from this instalation with my new notebook as well, however now it only showed:
That is everything on screen. My older laptop has no problems booting the drive.
I hope you can help me figure a solution out since I'm really interested in the concept of Qubes.
Thanks for your help.
My Hardware:
Notebook-Model: Lenovo Y500
Processor: I5-3230M
GPU(s): Two GT650M (I already tried booting with one of the GPUs removed, didn't work either)
RAM: 8GB 1600MHz