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HCL - Inspiron 5559

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Feb 27, 2018, 8:36:02 PM2/27/18
* The OS never crashes even with the spectre and meltdown BIOS patches.
However, I do not know if this introduces problems security-wise.
* Video is fine. No glitches.
* Seldomly, I get networking errors with Tor. It's not much of an issue.
It could just be an OS issue and not my hardware specifically.
* I can't find the option to mount USB devices.
* Sometimes the sound doesn't work. According to the "Volume control"
window in the "Output Devices" tab, the "HDMI [is] unplugged". Powering
off the laptop a couple of times fixes this issue momentarily.

Let me know if you need my assistance. Keep in mind, this is a temporary
email, so it might be a while for a response from me.

Overall, the usability for the machine is decent, aside from the
occasional loss of sound.

I have attached the .cpio.gz and .yml files. I have tampered with the
contents of the .cpio.gz by removing serial numbers and the UUID of my
computer. If this is an issue, I can add them back in.
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