HCL - Custom AMD APU build

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Dec 10, 2016, 3:20:08 AM12/10/16
to qubes-users
Web, web videos, and audio of web videos work in all the App VMs on Firefox; except the Tor browser does not work in the Whonix App Vm yet. I installed apg in the Debian template, but the apg command line utility only works in the Template VM, not app VMs based on the template even after it's all updated and restarted. Suspend to RAM works. Shutting down takes a couple minutes unfortunately. Sometimes if I rename an App VM more than once, it can't be renamed again. So I have to delete the App VM, cloning it doesn't work. App VMs I've deleted still show up in the Xfce start menu. How do I get rid of those?

Foppe de Haan

Dec 10, 2016, 4:40:13 AM12/10/16
to qubes-users
On Saturday, December 10, 2016 at 9:20:08 AM UTC+1, superlative wrote:
App VMs I've deleted still show up in the Xfce start menu. How do I get rid of those?

Check out (dom0) ~/.gnome/apps/, ~/.config/menus/ and ~/.local/share/


Dec 10, 2016, 3:22:46 PM12/10/16
to qubes-users
apg now works in app vms based on the template I installed apg from. I remember trying it before. I guess I just needed a reboot.


Dec 10, 2016, 3:43:03 PM12/10/16
to qubes-users
On Saturday, December 10, 2016 at 1:40:13 AM UTC-8, Foppe de Haan wrote:

> Check out (dom0) ~/.gnome/apps/, ~/.config/menus/ and ~/.local/share/

Thank you. I cd into those directories and rm the old app vm files. It no longer shows up in my Xfce menu. Thanks again!


Dec 10, 2016, 3:50:57 PM12/10/16
to qubes-users
On Saturday, December 10, 2016 at 12:20:08 AM UTC-8, superlative wrote:
> Web, web videos, and audio of web videos work in all the App VMs on Firefox; except the Tor browser does not work in the Whonix App Vm yet.

When I full screen a web video, my app vm freezes and I have to restart it.

Plus I forgot to mention that my Tor browser in the Whonix app vm doesn't work even though I did the Whonix check. It told me to update things through the command line. So I did. Now it shows green on all checks. But it still can't load a web page. Any help please?


Dec 10, 2016, 4:44:58 PM12/10/16
to qubes-users
> Plus I forgot to mention that my Tor browser in the Whonix app vm doesn't work even though I did the Whonix check. It told me to update things through the command line. So I did. Now it shows green on all checks. But it still can't load a web page. Any help please?

I got Tor browser on Whonix vm to work by updating the whonix-ws template vm


Dec 14, 2016, 3:30:27 PM12/14/16
to qubes-users
On Saturday, December 10, 2016 at 1:44:58 PM UTC-8, superlative wrote:
> I got Tor browser on Whonix vm to work by updating the whonix-ws template vm

I'm considering adding the HCL support files .cpio.gz, but it the instructions say there are risks with adding the serial number in them. Can someone please tell me what are those risks before I post them?

By the way, I thought I updated the Whonix template before saying it didn't work, but apparently I only updated the Whonix-gw template, and I really needed to update the Whonix-ws template. Once I did that I got anon-whonix Tor Browser to work.

Andrew David Wong

Dec 15, 2016, 4:12:29 AM12/15/16
to superlative, qubes-users
Hash: SHA512

On 2016-12-14 12:30, superlative wrote:
> On Saturday, December 10, 2016 at 1:44:58 PM UTC-8, superlative
> wrote:
>> I got Tor browser on Whonix vm to work by updating the whonix-ws
>> template vm
> I'm considering adding the HCL support files .cpio.gz, but it the
> instructions say there are risks with adding the serial number in
> them. Can someone please tell me what are those risks before I
> post them?

It's just a matter of your personal privacy needs. There might be
unique serial numbers associated with your physical hardware. For
most people, this isn't a problem, but if you're a human rights
activist living under a totalitarian regime who communicates online
under a pseudonym, for example, then it's conceivable that the regime
might use this information to link the psuedonym under which you
submit the .cpio.gz file to the identity under which you purchased the

- --
Andrew David Wong (Axon)
Community Manager, Qubes OS



Dec 18, 2016, 6:10:32 PM12/18/16
to qubes-users, randomf...@gmail.com
On Thursday, December 15, 2016 at 1:12:29 AM UTC-8, Andrew David Wong wrote:
> It's just a matter of your personal privacy needs. There might be
> unique serial numbers associated with your physical hardware. For
> most people, this isn't a problem, but if you're a human rights
> activist living under a totalitarian regime who communicates online
> under a pseudonym, for example, then it's conceivable that the regime
> might use this information to link the psuedonym under which you
> submit the .cpio.gz file to the identity under which you purchased the
> hardware.
> - --
> Andrew David Wong (Axon)
> Community Manager, Qubes OS
> https://www.qubes-os.org

Thanks for letting me know. I wonder if installing a script to run such a command to find serial numbers is how governments deanonymize Tor users?

I'll definitely not be submitting that information. Thanks for letting me know how much of a risk it is.


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