HCL - ASRock H61iCafe, Core i7 3770 - Qubes 4.0-rc4

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John Reese

Feb 26, 2018, 5:01:08 AM2/26/18
to qubes...@googlegroups.com
Hello everyone,
I've successfully installed Qubes 4.0-rc4 on mentioned configuration in EFI mode. In general, system works fine, though there are some non-critical problems. In total, I've been playing with system for about 3 days so far.
I'm using kernel 4.14.13 and it runs ok. Though after update to kernel 4.14.18 system won't boot. I don't actually know why (everything I see is a black screen), but I have a conjecture that it may be related to generation of initramfs. Anyways, I reverted back to 4.14.13.
Qube manager in a fresh install was quite unusable as it won't stop or reboot or kill any VM without an error message (something about conversion to float in a Python script). After update from qubes-dom0-current-testing repository problem has gone away, though any VM state change (or settings change such as label color) requires manual refreshing qubes list.
Video (also fullscreen after necessary changes in guid.conf), audio and networking run ok. Creating VM for VPN also took no pain.

General system configuration:
Motherboard: ASRock h61iCafe
CPU: Intel Core i7 3770
RAM: 8Gb
SSD: Plextor PX128-S2 128Gb
John Reese
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