Qubes release 4.0 is working flawless on Dell Inspiron 7472 with a few
tweaks in BIOS to install and to boot system in EFI mode. Legacy boot
was not necessary on this setup (only for system recovery). Devices
tested and working: usb, sound, network, wifi, touchpad, external
display, keyboard, suspend/ resume.
For overall use (in BIOS settings):
- Sata Operation set to AHCI.
- Secure boot disabled.
- Legacy mode set to off.
- PTT security is enabled.
- Intel VT-x enabled.
- Auto OS Recovery Threshold set to off.
- SupportAssist OS Recovery disabled.
For Qubes installer, *HyperThread Control must be DISABLED in BIOS*,
otherwise it freezes and won't boot in EFI mode. Turn it on after
installing it on your computer.
Hardware report (*.yml) is attached, and details follows:
- Dell Inspiron 7472, i7-8550U cpu, 16GB RAM
- HVM/ IOMMU/ HAP/ SLAT: active.
- TPM: device not found. Note: PTT, or Intel Platform Trust Technology,
is enabled, but it won't work with TPM support on Qubes, I think.
- Xen: 4.8.3
- Kernel: 4.14.18-1
Notes regarding EFI boot mode:
- After installing Qubes R4.0, EFI recognizes the system, but soon after
upgrading dom0 or any other linux distro on laptop, it will disappear
from boot menu. There's a workaround, though: change from EFI to Legacy
Mode in BIOS, boot from USB Qubes Installer in Legacy Mode, select
Recovery System, and follow the steps described in "Boot device not
recognized after installing" and "Installation finished but Qubes boot
option is missing and xen.cfg is empty", on Qubes Documentation
https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/uefi-troubleshooting/). Finally, restart
your system, set Legacy boot to off again in BIOS, and add manually a
EFI entry: select BOOTX64.efi from file manager for this new entry. And
it's done!
- dezese