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HCL for R3.2 - Lenovo G505S (AMD laptop with Coreboot 4.5 + SeaBIOS 1.10)

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Jan 7, 2017, 1:36:42 PM1/7/17
to qubes-users
Following the steps of Vladimir... ( )
I got the same G505S laptop, built Coreboot / SeaBIOS from the latest sources and also included some great payloads: memtest, filo (minimalistic bootloader), tint (Tint Is Not Tetris), nvramcui (tool to change some CMOS values), coreinfo (information about system hardware),
as well as ramdisk with KolibriOS - tiny operating system that fits on a floppy! (
Build instructions, configs and ROMs could be obtained here, for those people who are interested - (sorry that it is on Russian, please use Google Translate)

SeaBIOS is a pure classical BIOS (no UEFI!), so it relies on MBR to boot from Hard Drive. I have experienced the following problem: 1) Qubes R3.1 boots fine instantly after the installation; also, if to upgrade R3.1 to R3.2 - will boot fine as well 2) meanwhile, after a Clean Install of Qubes R3.2, it fails to boot - stuck at "Booting from hard drive:" SeaBIOS message with blinking "_" character, cant reach GRUB Boot Menu because MBR (or GRUB) is corrupted out-of-the-box. Luckily it can be fixed: boot from your Qubes R3.2 installation media, go to "Troubleshooting -> Rescue a Qubes system", after booting to anaconda installer please choose "1) Continue" (and enter your Qubes partition password if you chose to encrypt it during install), then enter "chroot /mnt/sysimage" - and, finally, "grub2-install /dev/sdX" (where X is a letter for your hard drive with Qubes, in my case it was sda: "grub2-install /dev/sda")

After I fixed MBR/GRUB with the steps above, Qubes R3.2 boots perfectly! Although without GRUB graphical themes - the whole booting process (including the moment when you are asked to enter a Qubes partition password) will be a pure text... but it works! :) Dont worry: starting with a graphical login screen, (where you need to choose a user and enter password), you will see the "nice graphics" again. Everything else is normal and works OK ! :) Have not encountered any other problems yet...

qubes-hcl-report told that my hardware/software configuration got all the important features working: HVM, IOMMU, and even SLAT (thanks to A10-5750M APU which supports NPT) - Minimum requirements of Qubes 4.0 have been met by this AMD-based system

P.S. Going to make a pull request to qubes-hcl repository - HCL report (.yml file)

Jan 7, 2017, 2:20:50 PM1/7/17
to qubes-users
I have created a new pull request to qubes-hcl repository - . all FixMe's already replaced with relevant information. also attaching this file below, just in case...
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