I have been a Qubes user off and on since its initial release. The new release has been working very well on my system, so I though another HCL report was in order. It is attached here. Big changes to my system since my prior submission is the motherboard. Am using the latest BIOS with AMD-v and IOMMU enabled. Disabled UEFI in the BIOS, opting for legacy boot.
ASUS Sabertooth 990fx v2.0 BIOS: "SABERTOOTH 990FX R2.0 BIOS 2501"
On the Qubes side, have been running R2RC2 (latest release). Using the install generated standard VMs and 2 Windows 7 HVMs. Works as expected with a "vanilla" Win7 install (have not installed the windows tools just yet). One HVM for VPN to the office, one to do whatever else with (acts as a template to copy from, currently).
Qubes dom0 kernel version: