adding an SSD storage cache

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Eric Shelton

Dec 12, 2015, 10:26:17 AM12/12/15
to qubes-users
Although SSD prices have been falling, for various reasons you might still want to use "those nasty platters of spinning rust" (Torvalds' words) for your system (for example, a 2TB SSD might double the cost of your notebook).  However, thanks to LVM's dm_cache it is easy to add an encrypted SSD storage cache to your system, and you can do it on a live system (no need to use a live CD, etc).  It provides a significant performance improvement for random reads, which is helpful when multiple VMs are contending for disk access.  This is especially helpful if you are using a notebook with a 5400 RPM 2.5 inch drive - just swap out your DVD drive with a optical bay second drive caddy (such as to add and SSD cache.

Qubes has an older version of the LVM2 tools, so we do not have the conveniences offered by the newer lvcache command.  However, the below commands and steps worked for me.  They are based off of the instructions provided at, as Ubuntu also uses an LVM on LUKS storage configuration.

The below instructions assume /dev/sdb is the SSD drive.  Adjust according to your configuration.  The instructions also assume you are using encrypted storage.  Some of the below commands would be omitted or modified if you are not using encryption.

1) Determine the size of the data and metadata portions for the SSD cache.  Keep in mind that you do not have to allocate the entire SSD drive for caching.  'sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb' can be used to determine the size of the drive (although there are many other commands).  Then determine the number of megabytes of storage (for example, num bytes / 1024 / 1024), rounded down to the nearest multiple of 8MB.  The (conservative) rule of thumb generally being used for determining the size of the metadata portion is 1/1000th of the data size, rounded up to the nearest multiple of 8MB.  Then, the size of the data portion is along the lines of TOTAL_SIZE - (2 x META_SIZE) - 4MB.

A concrete example:
- 'fdisk -l /dev/sdb' reports 120034123776 bytes: TOTAL_SIZE = 114473.46 MB -> 114472 MB (rounded down to nearest multiple of 8MB)
- META_SIZE = 114.172 MB -> 120 MB (rounded up to nearest multiple of 8MB)
- DATA_SIZE = 114472 MB - (2 x 120 MB) - 8MB = 114224M

2) Now you can run the following commands.  They have to be run as root, so you might just do a 'sudo bash' first.  NOTE: rather than package the below commands into a script (as provided in the original instructions), I suggest cutting and pasting the following commands into a terminal one by one, to watch out for anything unexpected.

Revise the first three lines based on what is discussed in step 1.

Once you perform the second 'lvconvert' command, you have to see things through to the end!

=$(basename $CACHE_DISK)

cryptsetup luksFormat $CACHE_DISK
cryptsetup open
pvcreate $CACHE_PV
vgextend qubes_dom0 $CACHE_PV
-L $META_SIZE -n cachemeta qubes_dom0 $CACHE_PV
-L $DATA_SIZE -n cachedata qubes_dom0 $CACHE_PV
--type cache-pool --poolmetadata qubes_dom0/cachemeta --chunksize 64k --cachemode writeback qubes_dom0/cachedata --yes
--type cache --cachepool qubes_dom0/cachedata qubes_dom0/root
=$(ls -al /dev/disk/by-uuid/ | grep $DISK_NAME | awk '{ print $9 }')
"luks-${DISK_UUID} UUID=${DISK_UUID} none luks,discard" >> /etc/crypttab

NOTE: setting the same passphrase for the SSD cache will allow you to enter a single passphrase on boot, otherwise you will have to enter separate passphrases (which I do not believe works well with the graphical boot).

After you run the second 'lvconvert' command, the SSD cache will be active - with LVM there is no need to reboot, etc.  Everything after that is to make sure you can boot up again with the cache.

You might instead opt for '--cachemode writethrough'.  I believe it offers the advantage of maintaining the cached filesystem in a consistent state, at the cost of reduced performance. gives you a sense of the cost of that choice.

The above commands store the cache within a LUKS container, so that data is cached on the SSD encrypted.  Here is a example 'lslbk' output after the above commands have been run:

NAME                                          MAJ:MIN RM   SIZE RO TYPE  MOUNTPOINT
8:0    0 931.5G  0 disk  
├─sda1                                          8:1    0   500M  0 part  /boot
└─sda2                                          8:2    0   931G  0 part  
└─luks-7eb01e05-11de-819c-0033-399a8ccf9123 251:1    0   931G  0 crypt
├─qubes_dom0-swap                         251:2    0  15.3G  0 lvm   [SWAP]
└─qubes_dom0-root_corig                   251:5    0 915.8G  0 lvm  
└─qubes_dom0-root                       251:6    0 915.8G  0 lvm   /
8:16   0 111.8G  0 disk  
└─sdb_crypt                                   251:0    0 111.8G  0 crypt
├─qubes_dom0-cachedata_cdata                251:3    0 111.6G  0 lvm  
└─qubes_dom0-root                         251:6    0 915.8G  0 lvm   /
└─qubes_dom0-cachedata_cmeta                251:4    0   120M  0 lvm  
└─qubes_dom0-root                         251:6    0 915.8G  0 lvm   /

3) Get the UUID for the new LUKS container (from the last line of /etc/crypttab, or 'echo DISK_UUID'), and edit /etc/default/grub to add to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX:

rd.luks.uuid=${DISK_UUID} rd.luks.allow-discards=1

As a result, there will be two rd.luks.uuid items - this is correct!

NOTE: if you opted to use a different passphrase for the SSD cache than your primary storage, also remove 'rhgb' from GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX so the text-based boot process prompts you for both passphrases.

4) Create a new .conf file in /etc/dracut.conf.d (for example, ssd-caching-drivers.conf) with the following contents:

# make sure all of the drivers for dm_cache are present for SSD caching:
+=" dm-cache dm-cache-mq dm-persistent-data "

5) Run 'dracut -f' to regenerate initramfs so that the drivers needed for the SSD cache to be present when booting

6) Run 'grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg' to regenerate the GRUB config to have the boot process process the new LUKS container.

Now it is safe to reboot.  If something seems to go weird with entering passphrase(s) from the graphical boot process, just press the Escape key to pop over to a text-based boot.


Marek Marczykowski-Górecki

Dec 12, 2015, 5:08:10 PM12/12/15
to Eric Shelton, qubes-users
Hash: SHA256
Thanks! I've added a link to your message in our documentation.

- --
Best Regards,
Marek Marczykowski-Górecki
Invisible Things Lab
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
Version: GnuPG v2


motech man

Jul 12, 2017, 10:27:18 PM7/12/17
to qubes-users,
On Saturday, December 12, 2015 at 4:08:10 PM UTC-6, Marek Marczykowski-Górecki >
> Thanks! I've added a link to your message in our documentation.
> - --
> Best Regards,
> Marek Marczykowski-Górecki
> Invisible Things Lab
> A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
> Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
> Version: GnuPG v2
> S1SjTknZlX4UnZTcT+9lpNndmm988MtE9qGDL78tRgK+e9HLy8ZR+h7FVLQooR3P
> /uNTt6Fb8sHUJKS18v4zxcFSjEv+DyaSaXP+/CZZLfkIEz+xF8TM2P+v9CLN5EDx
> oiuNws8+drw5DxXwX8IyPgEzZtxIeisij9BBr3HsXhG/vKBJcc25DAOqFu5BHnTC
> 3X9e9Ch4EJNgLFmH0yApXXDD0m8A3+G/4WBvKaT2hR3NQsW3r93tY3I9wPp3yChC
> HeqNaVKaMINbSb1t0vlCxQXejHhUVwsqMEKGSFEGO2zbi6BAlMI2uVSj4jhjM+A=
> =8OmO

This all went perfectly smoothly until the last bit about updating grub. Now I'm in the middle of this conversion and there is no such grub.cfg file as stated in this guide (looks like an older MBR style partition scheme and standard grub2 config, there is no /etc/default/grub on my 3.2 UEFI system)

It's not easy finding info on the qubes UEFI boot process, or how to add the required kernel options. No manpage for efimanager in qubes either,

How do I update the boot process so it will use the cache? This guide was easy enough to follow until the very last step 6. What is the equivalent EFI process to grub2-mkconfig in Qubes?

Here's what I did, which "appears" to work, but I'm not sure as performance is about the same as it was before the cache was added. I hope it is only due to it being the first use, and subsequent uses will get progressively faster.

I noticed the kernel options in /boot/EFI/efi/qubes/xen.cfg. I added the line described in step 3 into the existing list, between the rd.luks for root and the one for swap. I also noticed the above process (specifically step 5) does not update the initramfs image in that folder. I had to copy it from /boot.

The BIOS on my system requires an /EFI/efi/BOOT folder, so I replicated the files from /boot/EFI/efi/qubes, renaming xen.* to BOOTX86.*

I sure wish there were a way to easily tell if this is working properly. Time for more googling it seems :)
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