HCL - Dell Latitude 7280

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Tony Adams

Nov 16, 2018, 5:18:30 PM11/16/18
to qubes...@googlegroups.com
I was able to get TPM working by downgrading from the default TPM v2.0
firmware to TPM v1.2.

[user@personal dom0]$ cat tpm_version.txt
TPM 1.2 Version Info:
Chip Version:
Spec Level: 2
Errata Revision: 3
TPM Vendor ID: WEC
Vendor Specific data: 0201
TPM Version: 01010000
Manufacturer Info: 57454300

There's no single document that describes this process but here's how
I managed to work through it:

1 - Downloaded FreeDOS and created a bootable thumb drive.
2 - Go here and follow instructions for downloading v1.2 and v2.0
firmware upgrade .exes -
3 - Copy .exes to FreeDOS
4 - On target Latitude, boot to DOS from FreeDOS thumb drive.
5 - Downgrade TPM to v1.2 using DellTpm1.2_Fw5.81.2.1_V3_64.exe utility. Reboot.
6 - In BIOS|Security, 'clear' the TPM.
7 - Install Qubes
8 - Profit.

Max Parker

Dec 29, 2020, 4:52:00 AM12/29/20
to qubes-users
dell link no longer works :(

Sven Semmler

Dec 29, 2020, 8:16:01 PM12/29/20
to Andrew David Wong, qubes...@googlegroups.com
On 12/29/20 3:52 AM, Max Parker wrote:
> dell link no longer works:(

@ADW: what do we want to do in such a case? Already checked the internet
archive and couldn't find any cached versions.


public key: https://www.svensemmler.org/0x8F541FB6.asc
fingerprint: D7CA F2DB 658D 89BC 08D6 A7AA DA6E 167B 8F54 1FB6


Andrew David Wong

Dec 30, 2020, 2:16:38 AM12/30/20
to Sven Semmler, qubes...@googlegroups.com
On 12/29/20 5:15 PM, Sven Semmler wrote:
> On 12/29/20 3:52 AM, Max Parker wrote:
>> dell link no longer works:(
> @ADW: what do we want to do in such a case? Already checked the internet
> archive and couldn't find any cached versions.
> /Sven

If a link is dead and there's no archive.org version, we just have to
remove the link. It's unfortunate, but I don't see what else we can do.

Andrew David Wong (Axon)
Community Manager, Qubes OS



Jan 7, 2021, 11:12:57 AM1/7/21
to Sven Semmler, a...@qubes-os.org, qubes...@googlegroups.com

On Wednesday, December 30, 2020 1:15 AM, Sven Semmler <Sv...@SvenSemmler.org> wrote:

> On 12/29/20 3:52 AM, Max Parker wrote:
> > dell link no longer works:(
> @ADW: what do we want to do in such a case? Already checked the internet
> archive and couldn't find any cached versions.
> /Sven

Though it seems that page doesn't exist anymore, there is page with similar instructions https://www.dell.com/support/kbdoc/en-us/000126503/trusted-platform-module-tpm-upgrade-downgrade-process-for-windows-7-and-10-operating-system-upgrade-downgrade. Exact instructions are
Go to https://www.dell.com/support/home/Products/?app=drivers and choose your product , in this case Laptops --> Latitude --> 7280 or directly to page https://www.dell.com/support/home/en-us/product-support/product/latitude-12-7280-laptop/drivers (according to above document it can also be applied to E7270 that also is in HCL)
Choose Operating System of your laptop, paying attention whether it is 64-bit or 32-bit
Choose category "Security" to filter results
Download utilities

Current standalone page for Dell TPM 1.2 Firmware Update Utility for 64-bit systems is https://www.dell.com/support/home/en-us/drivers/driversdetails?driverid=m8xg0&oscode=wt64a&productcode=latitude-12-7280-laptop and direct download link is https://dl.dell.com/FOLDER04468656M/1/DellTpm1.2_Fw5.81.2.1_V3_64.exe

Current standalone page for Dell TPM 2.0 Firmware Update Utility for 64-bit systems is https://www.dell.com/support/home/en-us/drivers/driversdetails?driverid=rf87d&oscode=wt64a&productcode=latitude-12-7280-laptop and direct download link is https://dl.dell.com/FOLDER04166647M/1/DellTpm2.0_Fw1.3.2.8_V1_64.exe

Though in the first link of this message only Dell Latitude E7270 is mentioned, if we click on "Compatible Systems" on TPM 1.2 utility page we can see that instructions are applicable also to Dell Latitude 7480, Dell Latitude E5470, Dell Latitude E5570, Dell Latitude E7270, Dell Latitude E7470. I mentioned these models because they already are in HCL but maybe it's better to mention all models that can be downgraded to TPM 1.2 for all viewers looking for their hardware.

Download links are the same for all models.

Sven Semmler

Jan 7, 2021, 9:28:14 PM1/7/21
to qubes...@googlegroups.com
On 1/7/21 10:12 AM, superiorimmunity wrote:
> Though it seems that page doesn't exist anymore, there is page with
> similar instructions

Thank you! I will point your post with the next update of the HCL.
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