HCL - Dell T3500

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Kartik Khanna

Mar 12, 2016, 5:14:31 PM3/12/16
to qubes...@googlegroups.com, Kartik Khanna, Chase Cotton
Qubes OS Release 3.0 loads clean but then can not find the Ethernet interface on motherboard.

Qubes 3.0 sees and properly runs an Intel PRO 1000 (PCI-X) Ethernet interface.

Running on a SATA drive.  Speed is usable.

Quadro NVS 295 supports dual (1920x1200 16:10) screens nicely, though had to flip them left-to-right to get the mouse to move correctly between them.

Sometimes after the disk password and before the user password, the screen(s) have a checkerboard pattern but the screens clear after a few seconds.

Everything else seems to be running correctly including sound.

Very nice!

Kartik Khanna <kar...@udel.edu>
Chase Cotton <cco...@udel.edu>

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