New App Menu Survey! 5-10 minutes of your time (from Nina)

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Andrew David Wong

May 1, 2021, 6:58:15 AM5/1/21
to,, qubes-project
Dear Qubes Community,

I bring the following message from Nina Eleanor Alter, our resident
expert on design and user research:


Hello! This survey will only remain live for 14 days, so please take a
few moments, if you are so inclined, to let us know your thoughts on our
work so far on designing a new App Menu specific to Qubes OS. Former
users, new users, longtime users, technical users, and non-technical
users -- we would love to hear from as many folks as possible who have
used or are currently using Qubes.


This announcement is also available on the Qubes website:

Andrew David Wong (Axon)
Community Manager, Qubes OS


Andrew Clausen

May 1, 2021, 9:52:25 PM5/1/21
to qubes-project
Hi Qubes Project,

I'm sending it to you, so as not to spam everyone.

I found the videos too small to watch.  Please increase the font size, or find some way to zoom in.


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Andrew David Wong

May 1, 2021, 9:58:04 PM5/1/21
to Andrew Clausen, qubes-project, Nina Alter
On 5/1/21 7:22 AM, Andrew Clausen wrote:
> Hi Qubes Project,
> I'm sending it to you, so as not to spam everyone.
> I found the videos too small to watch. Please increase the font size, or
> find some way to zoom in.
> Thanks,
> Andrew
Hi Andrew,

There's an "Enter full screen" button in the lower right corner of the
video frame.

Andrew Clausen

May 3, 2021, 9:43:27 PM5/3/21
to Andrew David Wong, qubes-project, Nina Alter
Hi Andrew,

Thanks a lot for replying.  It's still too small for me.  I mean, I can make everything out if I squint, but that doesn't seem like a good way to evaluate a user interface.

On my laptop, I configured everything to be 12pt font.

I'm probably the only person with this problem.  But even so, as a researcher, it's always good to know why some people don't answer the survey -- it can help you correct for selection bias.


Nina Alter

May 3, 2021, 9:58:13 PM5/3/21
to Andrew Clausen,
Hi Andrew!

I'm just now seeing this feedback. Thank you very much, for it. My difficulty with making these "bigger," is that one option is a full-height app menu... and the other, a more compact app menu. I had hoped folks could zoom-up the videos to fill their screens. The fonts used in the prototypes are mostly 13pt.

I'm now thinking I might just want to share the links to the prototypes, even though they're quite buggy for generalized clicking-around. To get the "Search" to work in Jackie, you also need to type in "tor b". They were built to facilitate guided use in a screenshare'd interview... so are not set up with the feedback from opening an app, properly, or turning off or shutting down a qube. Jackie I think may still also have some font issues, as well (tho most have been dealt with).

Each can be effectively reset, by clicking on the user's name in the upper-right.

Let me know if these work better for you, ty for your helpful feedback!
:) nina

Andrew Clausen

May 4, 2021, 4:34:09 AM5/4/21
to Nina Alter, qubes-project
Hi Nina,

On Tue, 4 May 2021 at 02:58, Nina Alter <> wrote:
I'm just now seeing this feedback. Thank you very much, for it. My difficulty with making these "bigger," is that one option is a full-height app menu... and the other, a more compact app menu. I had hoped folks could zoom-up the videos to fill their screens. The fonts used in the prototypes are mostly 13pt.

I suspect the problem is screen size / resolution then. 

I'm now thinking I might just want to share the links to the prototypes, even though they're quite buggy for generalized clicking-around. To get the "Search" to work in Jackie, you also need to type in "tor b". They were built to facilitate guided use in a screenshare'd interview... so are not set up with the feedback from opening an app, properly, or turning off or shutting down a qube. Jackie I think may still also have some font issues, as well (tho most have been dealt with).

Yes, these are *much* bigger now, because it zooms in more than 100%.  But I would configure my own computer to use even bigger fonts.  (But it's a hard thing for us to compare, since you can't see my computer...)
I think both designs are sensible... both are a big improvement over what Qubes already has.  My main feedback is: please consider what happens if the user wants a big font, or they have a small device.

Small devices ought to be a priority for Qubes, since the best way to prevent Evil Maid attacks is to carry your device with you everywhere.

Thanks a lot for your work.


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