qubes-builder not resulting in clean iso, (xen) ELF: Not an ELF binary

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Jan 14, 2021, 4:28:31 AM1/14/21
to qubes-devel
tldr; tried multiple attempts making my qubes iso.
Both times resulting in the failure with error;
"(xen) ELF: Not an ELF binary"
"Panic on CPU 0:"
could not construct domain 0"

Setup as follows;

new fedora-32 template
git clone qubes builder
cp example-qubes-os.conf builder.conf
`DISTS_VN ?= fc32 buster`
make install-deps

.. Then I have tried:
Attempt #1)
make get-sources
make qubes
make iso

Attempt #2)
make qubes-os-iso

I then wrote the resulting iso using the dd command
`sudo dd if=xxxx.iso of=/dev/sdY status=progress bs=1048576 && sync`

Both attempts result in the same error when trying to install
"(xen) ELF: Not an ELF binary"
"Panic on CPU 0:"
could not construct domain 0"

In legacy and UEFI boot mode, the error looks like this...

In UEFI mode the same error occurs but then there is a little bit more output..

Googling 'Page Fault' and 'Panic on CPU 0' has not led to much enlightenment about how to go about resolving the issue.
Any help/guidance much appreciated.

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