XSAs released on 2022-07-26

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Andrew David Wong

Jul 26, 2022, 12:59:38 PM7/26/22
to qubes-devel, qubes-users
Dear Qubes Community,

The Xen Project has released one or more Xen Security Advisories (XSAs).
The security of Qubes OS *is not affected*.
Therefore, *no user action is required*.

## XSAs that affect the security of Qubes OS (user action required)

The following XSAs *do affect* the security of Qubes OS:

- (none)

## XSAs that do not affect the security of Qubes OS (no user action required)

The following XSAs *do not affect* the security of Qubes OS, and no user action is necessary:

- XSA-408 (shadow mode is disabled at build time)

## Related links

- Xen XSA list: <https://xenbits.xen.org/xsa/>
- Qubes XSA tracker: <https://www.qubes-os.org/security/xsa/>
- Qubes security pack (qubes-secpack): <https://www.qubes-os.org/security/pack/>
- Qubes security bulletins (QSBs): <https://www.qubes-os.org/security/qsb/>

This announcement is also available on the Qubes website:
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