How should we migrate our generated project to @QuarkusIntegrationTest

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Andy Damevin

2021年7月20日 上午10:56:432021/7/20
收件者:Quarkus Development mailing list
Hey hey,

We had a discussion on Zulip about how we should migrate our generated project (cli,, ...) from @NativeImageTest to @QuarkusIntegrationTest (which started from this issue), but better have this discussion here.

As explained in the doc, using @QuarkusIntegrationTest, the packaging is defining how the integration test should be executed (native, jar, container). In other words, it's not only for native anymore.

Our current codegen generates native tests, they are named `NativeGreetingResourceIT` by default (also they are located in src/native-test/java when using gradle), also the maven failsafe configuration is only available with the native profile (which means that it won't get activated when native is enabled from something else than the native profile, right?).

The question here is to know if we should keep that naming or have a more generic `GreetingResourceIT` (located in src/it/java when using gradle)

If doing so, in the pom.xml, we should also move the failsafe configuration out of the native profile.

It would be nice to have your input on this.

Andy Damevin

Stuart Douglas

2021年7月20日 下午6:09:422021/7/20
收件者:Andy Damevin、Quarkus Development mailing list

This all sounds reasonable IMHO.


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Georgios Andrianakis

2021年7月21日 凌晨12:03:372021/7/21
收件者:Stuart Douglas、Andy Damevin、Quarkus Development mailing list
I think we should do the renaming in order to make it evident what the @QuarkusIntegrationTest can do.
That way new projects generated when we release 2.2, will have the new setup

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