Questions about qualimap counts

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Alicep1! CHOURY

Jul 13, 2021, 11:07:56 AM7/13/21
to QualiMap

Hi every body,

I would like to test qualimap counts on my rnaseq data (from htseq counts)
I have 2 questions/notes/bugs :

- I test to run 112 samples at the same time and qualimap makes an error :
Error in : figure margins too large
How can I run qualimap without this error ? (for 1 sample, it is working but the idea is to merge the quality results, so..)

The second question is about the condition.
In my data I have 2 pairs of condition species and diet. Here I merge the condition to get 4 condition (sp1_diet1 / sp2-diet1 / sp1_diet2 / sp2_diet2)
But qualimap wants only 2 conditions : " More than 2 conditions detected in the input file!"
For the test I remove the species condition but I would prefer not delete information.

Can I get some help, please ?

Thanks, Alice

PS : I hope my english is not too bad to understand me, please do not hesitate to ask me for more details if it's not clear.
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