X360CE Settings

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Dennis Winkens

Dec 28, 2015, 1:36:39 PM12/28/15
to QuadStick

I'm trying to figure out how to use X360CE. I try it for Rocket League (Steam) as shown on the QuadStick site X360CE - XBox 360 Controller Emulator for PC he with the Rocket League X360CE example configuration file.
Now I want you to show and ask you if I understood it right:

As you can see in the picture above (or the attached one) in the X360CE is the XBox "A Button" set up with the QuadStick "Button 2".
In the Window Button Map Sheet1 you see "Button 2" is "XBox - A" and "QuadStick - lip" and "PS3 - X" too. (line 1)
So in the example file we find line 29 where the "PS3 - X" is set up with "QuadStick - lip" (line 2)  -->  everything works till this point.

But when I want to change the XBox settings I first have to look which PS3 output is for which XBox output and change it in the csv profile. For example when I want to set up a "XBox - B" output I have to search in the Window Button Map Sheet1 that I have to choose the "PS3 - circle" and select my favorite QuadStick input after that.
So I tried it in the csv file at the bottom right. I changed for example the PS3 output from X to SQUARE for the LIP. Now my XBox output is X as shown in the
Window Button Map Sheet1 (PS3 square = XBox X).

Hope some understands what I'm trying to explain.

Is this a "good" way to change settings? Or what is the easiest way to change XBox settings?
And is it possible to rename some points in the output dropdown menu inn google scheets to see directly which XBox output it is, too? For example:
"PS-square / XB1-A" or "PS-X / XB2-A"?



Fred Davison

Dec 28, 2015, 11:28:32 PM12/28/15
to Dennis Winkens, QuadStick
You have got it right.  Each button on a PlayStation controller has a corresponding button on an XBox controller.   It is unfortunate they did not use the same names. 

One thing that always confused me is the XBox has a button labeled with the letter X and the PlayStation has a button with a Cross that looks like an X, but is called "Cross".

I am going to be making some changes to the validation code, to make it easier to use Preferences on a mode sheet and not get a validation warning.  I can probably also make it possible to allow using XBox nomenclature for output names when I release that update.

Kerm Dizzle

Dec 29, 2015, 1:59:37 AM12/29/15
to QuadStick, dath...@web.de
The playstation buttons have their own meaning which kind of make sense but are still confusing like you said. 

Dennis Winkens

Dec 29, 2015, 4:05:01 AM12/29/15
to QuadStick
Fred that would be perfect!
So the shown X360CE setting can copied in any needed game folder (with changing the game exe file in each folder) and the individual settings for all buttons can be changed in the game profile csv, isn't it?

Fred Davison

Dec 29, 2015, 11:02:09 AM12/29/15
to Dennis Winkens, QuadStick
You will have to run the x360ce.exe program in each folder to produce the ini and dll files that are custom to each game.  You can not just copy the ini and dll files from one folder to another.  There are numerous game specific settings that x360ce knows about and it customizes when run from within the game's folder.  Please read through their Forum if you are having trouble with a specific game.  X360ce does not work with every game.  There are several tutorials on how to use x360ce listed at the top of the main forum page.

If the game needs the left and right triggers to operate as analog values (like a driving game), make sure the quadstick is running in x360ce mode, by loading a game file that has the x360ce mode turned on in a Preferences sheet, like in X360CE Configuration, prior to running x360ce.exe or the game itself.

Do not change the mapping between PS3 buttons and XBox buttons in the x360ce.exe program.  Instead, if you want to have a different sip/puff/lip input activate a controller button, make a quadstick configuration file and remap the input there.  Remapping in the x360ce program may pollute the x360ce database for other users.

Fred Davison - QuadStick

Dec 29, 2015, 11:47:11 PM12/29/15
to QuadStick
I posted a new Default Configuration XBox that goes along with a new firmware version 997.  The new file uses the XBox names for buttons.

Use the QMP to download the new firmware then you can load the new configuration file.  It will overwrite default.csv, so if you don't want that, make a copy and change the csv file name

Mike Hurlock

Dec 30, 2015, 3:41:22 PM12/30/15
to QuadStick
Fred my QMP shows a Firmware of 881 and not 997, how can I download the newest firmware?

Fred Davison

Dec 30, 2015, 5:04:10 PM12/30/15
to Mike Hurlock, QuadStick
I think you might be running an old version of the QMP.  Do you see a message along the lines of: "A newer version of this program is available at QuadStick.com"?

Go to the downloads page and you can load the current version.  (Version 1.04)

The older version of the QMP cannot work with the newer firmware, so it is limited to versions it can handle.

Dennis Winkens

Dec 31, 2015, 9:58:30 AM12/31/15
to QuadStick
yeah it's working!
there's no problem playing Lego Jurassic World, Dirt 3 Complete Edition and Rocket League (all over Steam). woohoo ^^
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