The shift and W latches are getting out of sync.
kb_w, delayed_latch 250, mp_triple_puff
kb_left_shift, delayed_latch 250, mp_triple_puff
kb_w, toggle, mp_triple_puff_soft
kb_left_shift, force_off, mp_triple_puff_soft
The first two rows will turn on W and shift immediately on a hard puff, and will hold them on if the puff is longer than 1/4 second. If the puff is shorter, they will go off when the puff is released.
The second two rows with alternate turning the W on and will clear the left shift.
From a dead stop, either hard or soft puff will get you moving. Once moving a short hard or soft will stop you.
To go from a walk to a run, a hard puff will keep the W on and turn on the shift, then latch them both on.
To go from a run to a walk, a short puff, either hard or soft, will cancel the run, then a soft puff will resume walking.
If you want to just cancel the shift key only, then pick another input and have it force_off the shift key but leave the W key alone.