The World Wide Chip Shortage

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Fred Davison

May 30, 2021, 3:57:22 PM5/30/21
to QuadStick
The world wide chip shortage has been affecting several of the parts used in the Quadstick.   It has also been affecting car manufacturers, and closer to home, PS5 and XBox One consoles, the CronusMax Zen, and Console Tuner Titan Two, which are all hard to get.

Background info: Bloomberg  CNBC  CNN

Last year the pressure sensors used in the Quadstick went through a period where there were none available and I had to stop accepting orders for a few weeks.  Eventually I was able to find them but the price has nearly doubled what they were when I started making the Quadstick in 2014.   I was able to place long term orders and now have a supply that should last for at least another year.

The CPU price has quadrupled, though I have plenty in stock.

Now the Bluetooth module has become unavailable and I didn't see that one coming since they went from plenty available to none available with no warning.  I have an order with the manufacturer but they are quoting July 2022 for delivery.  60 weeks.   Scalpers are the only sources, but they are asking four times the original price, which would make that one part cost as much as all the parts cost originally.  It has always been the most expensive part.

I don't have many Bluetooth modules.  There are enough to cover existing orders but going forward I am going to make the Bluetooth module a higher priced option until such time as I run out.   Only about 15% of quadstick users actually use the Bluetooth module so this will not impact the plans for most new Quadstick users.

When ordering a Quadstick, if you do not have specific plans for using the Bluetooth module, leave it for someone who does.

One of the uses of the Bluetooth module is as a serial port to convey voice commands to the Quadstick.  An alternative (and simpler) method to send voice commands is to use a serial cable.


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