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Mar 22, 2018, 9:20:24 AM3/22/18
to QuadStick

I have been trying to make a profile for Monster Hunter World for PS4 using PS3/PS4 BSC Can't quite work out some of the kinks.

I am also struggling with trying to create new columns just for notes down the sides as you can see I have already done so with the left analogue and mixed analogue but couldn't quite find out why wouldn't let me create one on the right analogue mode. I also have a problem With the mixed analogue not showing the mouthpiece actions like it would normally offer a drop-down menu which is probably just a quick fix.

Here is a link to the entire controls   

I also want to temporarily hold L2 for a few seconds so I can aim when using ranged weapons and the slinger.

any help apreciated

Fred Davison

Mar 22, 2018, 12:09:27 PM3/22/18
to Whiteknight19, QuadStick
I made a copy, so I could edit it, and fixed the spreadsheet and gave your email address edit rights.

  • In the original, the blank row 4 in sheet 3 would prevent that sheet from working.
  • Comments have to be put in column K.  Columns D through J are reserved for gesture based inputs (like with the Singleton), and need to be empty if not used for that.  The comments that were in column D could have caused unpredictable results.
  • The old Quadstick menu has been deprecated and the Google Add-On is now used for issuing commands to the spreadsheet.  Look under the Add-Ons menu.
What original spreadsheet did you create this from?  If it is one of mine, I would like to check it since I've been trying to bring them all up to date.

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Mar 22, 2018, 2:16:39 PM3/22/18
to QuadStick
hi Fred

I was using your PS3 to PS4 BSC spreadsheet to create this. I think it was more my misunderstanding that corrupted the spreadsheet as I was not aware the columns made a difference and when I was trying to undo some things it was having a habit of not doing anything for instance if I copied a spreadsheet column and then tried to paste it into a different mode.
It would always undo small little mistakes such as writing but not if you miss placed something unintentionally.

would I use a delay_off to have it hold down a certain button such as the L2 for roughly tops 5 seconds?

I also have one other question whilst I have your attention. Do you sell differently sized mouthpieces that fit with the quad stick FPS controller as I have some older ones from before I upgraded my joystick and the mounting is completely different.

Fred Davison

Mar 22, 2018, 2:31:56 PM3/22/18
to Whiteknight19, QuadStick
I cleaned up that old spreadsheet.

You can "use delay_off 5000" to hold a button down 5 seconds.  You can also force it off when you fire the slinger.

I make them in narrow and wide.  The same widths for both models.


Mar 22, 2018, 2:54:55 PM3/22/18
to QuadStick
How would I use the force it off feature so that once a press the fire button it is released? Or would it work like if any button is pressed it is released it's just because obviously I would need to aim to begin with..
  Do you think you could possibly add it to the spreadsheet and it would be for L2? I have watched a lot of videos on what each function does but still can't seem to get my head around it.

How would I go about ordering either one of those because in the shop it doesn't specify which model the set of mouthpieces belong to and I'm presuming that it is the original quad stick as I do already have a pair of those as I ordered them along with the original quad stick.

Fred Davison

Mar 22, 2018, 5:50:15 PM3/22/18
to Whiteknight19, QuadStick
In the link I sent:


When the input activates, it will force the output off.  This is used to allow one input to force off an output that was turned on or latched by an earlier input.  An optional parameter, in milliseconds, allows a delay in the force_off function.  The default delay is 0 ms

so you can configure it to turn off the zoom just after the trigger is pulled.

If you are going to try and make your own spreadsheets, you will need to read the user manual and all the other articles on the website.

When you add a mouthpiece to the shopping cart it asks for the info, plus I always check the older orders to make sure the correct type is ordered.

Zack Elliott

Mar 22, 2018, 6:22:30 PM3/22/18
to QuadStick
Hey add me on PS4. Gigas_Supreme. We can hunt down some hard kills!

Ikonosaurus Rex

Mar 22, 2018, 6:24:01 PM3/22/18
to QuadStick
So whiteknight if you use the force off feature it will only turn off L2 if you press a button that has a button assigned to do that. So if your force off command is R2 and you have to puff on the right (mp_right_puff) if you do that your L2 button will be released however if you were to press square which is a sip on the center hole your L2 button will remaine pressed.
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Fred Davison

Mar 27, 2018, 11:44:44 AM3/27/18
to Whiteknight19, QuadStick
Almost all of Steamybisquit's configurations use it.  He has videos where he explains his configuration files.

On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 11:44 AM, Whiteknight19 <> wrote:
Can anyone show an example of force off feature as I'm stuck 
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Fred Davison

Mar 30, 2018, 11:06:40 AM3/30/18
to Whiteknight19, QuadStick
A few things the need fixing:

  • "left 2" is not the same thing as "left_2".  There is an error indicator in cell A23.  Only use values from the drop-down list to stay out of trouble.
  • Cell C7 has a bad value.  Watch for those error indicators.
  • Columns D through J are reserved.  While usually empty and hidden, they should not be used for random comments. Those can go in column K or beyond.  To fix your spreadsheet add columns to the right of C until the comments have been pushed out to K. The program tries to be forgiving when it encounters bad values in the reserved columns, but there is no guarantee that they won't have unpredictable side effects.

For an example of a configuration file that actually uses those columns, look at mode 2 in the Singleton configuration.  The User Manual discusses using Pattern Recognition on page 82.  Another configuration that uses pattern recognition is World of Tanks


Apr 1, 2018, 9:35:39 AM4/1/18
to QuadStick
okay, I was in the middle of altering this spreadsheet and did not realise my dragon software turned itself on whilst I was talking to someone.  It completely destroyed the spreadsheet I was using so I had to make another copy of yours.

Yes, the user manual is very long and slightly confusing. I did look at some of steamy biscuits profiles and they looked awfully similar to the way I did it before, I also looked at the profile for the singleton on mouse mode and it really confused me with it having so many shifts and control being forced off but also toggled on with no input is this because of the others acting as force off refer to a different mode?

when I tried before using the way I had it, I was using the Xbox 360 controller emulator and I could see it holding down L2/LT and then releasing itself after pressing R2/RT. you mentioned bad value and error indicators but I see those highlighted across a dozen of profiles.
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Apr 9, 2018, 5:04:20 PM4/9/18
to QuadStick
Hi Fred

Quick favor, 

I updated my quad stick to the latest firmware 1870, I began making some 
alterations to a copy of the Monster Hunter World Spreadsheet whilst I had 
some spare time to try some different functions and how they play.
I connected my quad stick how I had been doing before with the DS4 plugged 
into the back of the quad stick [A] Whilst it was turned off as instructed 
and then the main cable into a BSC PS3/PS4 to the back of the PlayStation 4 
(PRO) not sure if this makes a difference between the versions.
I was getting severely LSD tripping LED show from the quad stick despite it 
being in its no different than normal, I then began to try changing 
modes/profiles to see whether this would make a difference and was no 
I downgraded my firmware back to 1799, Made sure to restore the 
default.csv and prefs.csv To make sure everything I tampered with when back 
to normal and I haven't been able to get it to work since.

I have attached my prefs and default from the quad stick using explorer.

Any help would be appreciated

Monster Hunter.csv

Fred Davison

Apr 9, 2018, 5:14:34 PM4/9/18
to Whiteknight19, QuadStick
If you are using a brook super converter, you do not plug the DS4 in to anything.  The main benefit of the BSC is not using the DS4.

You no longer need to use a converter with the PS4, but you will need to follow the instructions in the User Manual, which does use the DS4 into USB-A, but you must prepare it first.

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