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How would I use the force it off feature so that once a press the fire button it is released? Or would it work like if any button is pressed it is released it's just because obviously I would need to aim to begin with..
When the input activates, it will force the output off. This is used to allow one input to force off an output that was turned on or latched by an earlier input. An optional parameter, in milliseconds, allows a delay in the force_off function. The default delay is 0 ms
so you can configure it to turn off the zoom just after the trigger is pulled.
If you are going to try and make your own spreadsheets, you will need to read the user manual and all the other articles on the website.
When you add a mouthpiece to the shopping cart it asks for the info, plus I always check the older orders to make sure the correct type is ordered.
Can anyone show an example of force off feature as I'm stuck
Hi Fred Quick favor, I updated my quad stick to the latest firmware 1870, I began making some alterations to a copy of the Monster Hunter World Spreadsheet whilst I had some spare time to try some different functions and how they play. I connected my quad stick how I had been doing before with the DS4 plugged into the back of the quad stick [A] Whilst it was turned off as instructed and then the main cable into a BSC PS3/PS4 to the back of the PlayStation 4 (PRO) not sure if this makes a difference between the versions. I was getting severely LSD tripping LED show from the quad stick despite it being in its no different than normal, I then began to try changing modes/profiles to see whether this would make a difference and was no change. I downgraded my firmware back to 1799, Made sure to restore the default.csv and prefs.csv To make sure everything I tampered with when back to normal and I haven't been able to get it to work since. I have attached my prefs and default from the quad stick using explorer. Any help would be appreciated