CronusMax on PC??

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Jeff Paradee

May 16, 2016, 10:42:10 PM5/16/16
to QuadStick
I have not used the Quadstick on PC, but I plan to in time. Can you use CronusMax on PC, how does it work with the Quadstick? X360ce looks messy, would it be easier to set up Quadstick with CronusMax on Pc?

Fred Davison

May 16, 2016, 11:30:17 PM5/16/16
to Jeff Paradee, QuadStick
There are tradeoffs.  You can use the CronusMax on the PC a couple of ways.  First you need to set the "output protocol" to XBox 360 mode, instead of Auto, for either method. 

If you plug the QuadStick directly into the CM, then the QuadStick's Mouse/Keyboard/Flash-Drive functions are not available because the CM will block them, so you will only game controller functions through the QuadStick.  Many games that support the XBox 360 controller still need some mouse/keyboard inputs from time to time.

The second way is to use the QuadStick Manager Program (QMP) to route the QuadStick data to the CronusMax via the PCPROG port on the CM, then plug the CM output into the PC.  The CM is actually connected to the PC twice, once through the PCPROG port and again through the CM Output.  The CM's Input port is empty.  The QuadStick is plugged into the PC.  In the QMP, turn on Controller Max (CronusMax) support in the Misc tab.  After saving the preferences, you may need to restart the QMP to start the data stream. 

You can use the joy.cpl program, that is in windows, to test the setup, then start your game.

The second methods lets you keep access to the Mouse and Keyboard.  It is a lot like a hardware version of X360CE.  When you are done, use CronusPro to switch your CM's Output Protocol back to Auto before plugging it into your regular console.

Some games will see both the QuadStick and the CronusMax (as a 360 controller) and it can be difficult to make them ignore the QuadStick.  (The Lego games)

A whole 'nother way is the QuadStick can directly emulate a XBox 360 controller to a PC (with the latest firmware), but we lose Mouse/Keyboard, etc, while in that mode.  You have to load different configuration profiles to switch in and out of 360 mode.

The best way varies from game to game.  Rocket League works great with X360CE, but games like CS:GO will not allow it.  The Lego games have difficulty with seeing the QuadStick directly and the CM and getting confused.  That would be one to use either CM inline with the QuadStick or switch to XBox 360 emulation mode.

I always recommend Portal 2 on the PC.  No complicated X360 controller setup needed for that, just a regular config profile.  My ulterior motive is to find someone to help me finish co-op mode....

Jeff Paradee

May 16, 2016, 11:59:53 PM5/16/16
to QuadStick,
I'll have to try this on a PC game, probably Portal/Portal 2, but Thank you so much! I do plan on playing on PC, but still getting used to PS4, which is going great so far (Uncharted 4 is a lot of fun).
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