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Matching windows for command-line applications

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Elijah Smith

Jun 3, 2023, 12:45:22 PM6/3/23
to qtile-dev
When I run the command,  "kitty -e cmus", and create a new terminal window running cmus, and use "xprop" to get its WM_NAME, and then make that the title of a Match object attached to a particular group, running that command again doesn't automatically send that window to the specified group. Does Qtile handle programs run via the terminal differently from graphical applications? Thank you.

James Wright

Jun 3, 2023, 8:02:17 PM6/3/23
I think the matching for automatic window movement only happens on window creation. It's possible that kitty doesn't set the window name after it's been initialized. That's all hypothetical though.

On Sat, Jun 3, 2023, 10:45 Elijah Smith <> wrote:
When I run the command,  "kitty -e cmus", and create a new terminal window running cmus, and use "xprop" to get its WM_NAME, and then make that the title of a Match object attached to a particular group, running that command again doesn't automatically send that window to the specified group. Does Qtile handle programs run via the terminal differently from graphical applications? Thank you.

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Elijah Smith

Jun 4, 2023, 8:20:24 AM6/4/23
to qtile-dev
I put that command into an autostart script that runs when qtile starts, so it's not as if I'm simply talking about when I open a terminal, and then run the command. If the script is running the command, is it somehow running it through a terminal?

James Wright

Jun 5, 2023, 12:17:15 PM6/5/23
to qtile-dev
> If the script is running the command, is it somehow running it through a terminal?
No, it's going through whatever shell you specify in the shebang on the top line. You should probably detach the process from the startup script. For bash, that would be adding a `&` to the end of the command. Otherwise that process will be hung until you exit out of kitty window. That's also assuming that kitty won't automatically create a detached process when it's run directly like that.

I believe there's a way to auto start certain applications in specific windows, but the documentation site doesn't appear to be working right now, so I'm not sure.
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