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Is this where people talk? The irc and discord is empty

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Brian webb

Jan 30, 2023, 1:01:32 AM1/30/23
to qtile-dev
Hey everyone just downloaded qtile a day ago and working on figuring this out. Trying to find a repo of user made stuff to get ideas and a place to talk to other qtile heads

James Wright

Jan 31, 2023, 11:24:19 AM1/31/23
Late reply, but this is a decent place to get help. Maybe not so much of the more casual community that you'd get from IRC or discord (honestly didn't know that Qtile had a discord).

Trying to find a repo of user made stuff to get ideas

Decent place for that is at It's not the most organized place, but it's definitely a place to start and has a ton of things setup there. 

My personal configs are here:

Let me know if you have any questions.

James Wright

On Sun, Jan 29, 2023 at 11:01 PM Brian webb <> wrote:
Hey everyone just downloaded qtile a day ago and working on figuring this out. Trying to find a repo of user made stuff to get ideas and a place to talk to other qtile heads

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James Wright

Jan 31, 2023, 11:29:00 AM1/31/23
to qtile-dev
Another good for user plugins/widgets/etc would be

el Paraguayo

Jan 31, 2023, 11:31:55 AM1/31/23
Dev here. Just replying to the subject line.

I think it would be extremely unfair to say that IRC and Discord are empty.

Firstly, IRC and Discord are mirrored so the same chat appears in both.

I and the other devs are available most days and the community is also good at helping eachother out.

However, qtile is not a large community so responses are not instant

If I had to choose a place to go for support, I'd pick discord/IRC or GitHub above this mailing list. I don't check this list often and Gmail often marks these messages as spam!

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