Moving SVN Repository to GitHub

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Pritpal Bedi

Oct 17, 2022, 6:59:47 PM10/17/22
to QtContribs
Hi Everybody

Can someone port the existing QtContribs repository to Github ?

Pritpal Bedi
a student of software anaysis & concepts

Mahmoud Fayed

Oct 17, 2022, 7:17:15 PM10/17/22
to QtContribs
Hello Pritpal

To do this, Create new project on GitHub from their website
Select (Import a repository)

Then you will have a copy of the source code imported from Sourceforge to Github in a few minutes

Mahmoud Fayed
Creator of Ring programming language

Pritpal Bedi

Oct 17, 2022, 8:01:00 PM10/17/22
to QtContribs

Not only code but history too. Will it be possible ?

Mahmoud Fayed

Oct 17, 2022, 8:14:24 PM10/17/22
to QtContribs
Hello Pritpal

>> "Not only code but history too. Will it be possible ?"

Yes, The import process get every commit


Pritpal Bedi

Oct 17, 2022, 8:42:07 PM10/17/22
to QtContribs
Thanks Mahmoud

Now I am comfortable. Will port on Github soon. The only issue could be how to port the files, installers, etc. which are avialble on SVN 's Files section. This feature is not available on Github. 

Pritpal Bedi

Mahmoud Fayed

Oct 18, 2022, 6:42:30 AM10/18/22
to QtContribs
Hello Pritpal

>> "Now I am comfortable. Will port on Github soon."

GitHub is very nice, The service is mature and very stable
>> "The only issue could be how to port the files, installers, etc"

All what you need is creating a new release
GitHub will put a copy of source code in zip files
Also You can add binary files to the release, Then distribute their links to other developers
We do this with the Ring programming language :
The files : source & source code.tar.gz are created by GitHub automatically
Then we added the other files (Binary release for Windows, Linux, macOS, etc.)

GitHub also provide free space for hosting your static website (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.)
Publishing download links through a website increase the popularity

A nice feature in GitHub, When you click on the download link, It will start automatically
As we have in our download page that link to the release files in GitHub project :

But when using Sourceforge - Clicking the Download link will open a Sourceforge page and you have to wait for sometime
My PWCT website hosted on Sourceforge have this behavior:

Another thing to notice, At Sourceforge, sometimes your project website goes down
But at GitHub, most of the time, everything is up and running very fine

My final tip - Sourceforge is better when targeting users, They can easily discover your project. if you have an application, and want people to discover it quickly then Sourceforge is better than GitHub. but if you have a programming tool or library, and You want programmers to discover it or contribute, then GitHub is better.

Also Sourceforge gives you download statistics, In GitHub you should use other external projects to give you the download statistics like this one :


Pritpal Bedi

Oct 19, 2022, 6:01:55 PM10/19/22
to QtContribs
Good tips Mahmoud, thanks. 

I will ask for your experize as I go.

Pritpal Bedi
a student of software analysis & concepts

Mahmoud Fayed

Oct 20, 2022, 5:47:57 AM10/20/22
to QtContribs
Hello Pritpal

You are welcome

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