QT 5.15.1. Setup 32 Bit / MinGW v4.92

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Auge & Ohr

Nov 12, 2020, 11:18:20 PM11/12/20
to QtContribs

i have start QT Setup (MaintenanceTool.exe ) again and got an Update ...
than i exclude all expect




Question :
there is no f:\Qt\5.15.1\mingw48_32\ which QContribs use ...


than i start this *.CMD

E:\hb32\addons>SET HRBHOME=C:\harbour
E:\hb32\addons>SET HRBBIN=C:\harbour\bin
E:\hb32\addons>REM /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
E:\hb32\addons>REM ....... Qt5.7.0 settings
E:\hb32\addons>REM /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
E:\hb32\addons>SET QTROOT=f:\Qt\5.15.1
E:\hb32\addons>SET QTHOME=f:\Qt\5.15.1\mingw81_32
E:\hb32\addons>SET QTBIN=f:\Qt\5.15.1\mingw81_32\bin
E:\hb32\addons>SET QTINC=f:\Qt\5.15.1\mingw81_32\include
E:\hb32\addons>REM /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
E:\hb32\addons>REM ....... MINGW (32bit)
E:\hb32\addons>REM /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
E:\hb32\addons>SET MGWHOME=f:\Qt\Tools\mingw810_32
E:\hb32\addons>SET MGWBIN=f:\Qt\Tools\mingw810_32\bin
E:\hb32\addons>REM /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
E:\hb32\addons>REM ....... required
E:\hb32\addons>REM /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
E:\hb32\addons>SET HB_WITH_QT=f:\Qt\5.15.1\mingw81_32\include
E:\hb32\addons>SET HB_QTPATH=f:\Qt\5.15.1\mingw81_32\bin
E:\hb32\addons>SET HB_QT_MAJOR_VER=5
E:\hb32\addons>SET HB_QT_MINOR_VER=7
E:\hb32\addons>rem SET HB_USER_CFLAGS=-std=gnu++11
E:\hb32\addons>REM /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/
E:\hb32\addons>REM ....... remember to save/restore your current C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:
E:\hb32\addons>REM /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/

E:\hb32\addons>SET PATH=f:\Qt\Tools\mingw810_32;f:\Qt\Tools\mingw810_32\bin;f:\Qt\5.15.

E:\hb32\addons>hbmk2 -trace -info qtcontribs57.hbp   1>yourLogFileName 2>&1

and it create

without Error !


than  i try Sample DemoXbp

E:\hb32\addons\hbxbp\tests>..\..\..\bin\hbmk2.exe demoxbp.HBP
hbmk2: Processing local make script: hbmk.hbm
Harbour 3.2.0dev (r1508011114)
Copyright (c) 1999-2015, http://harbour-project.org/
Compiling 'demoxbp.prg'...
Lines 9873, Functions/Procedures 54
Generating C source output to 'C:\Users\a\AppData\Local\Temp\hbmk_fxh933.dir\demoxbp.c'... Done.
E:/hb32/lib/win/mingw/libhbqtcore.a(QEventLoop.o):QEventLoop.cpp:(.text.unlikely+0xc): undefined reference to `operator delete(void*, unsigned int)'
E:/hb32/lib/win/mingw/libhbqtcore.a(QEventLoop.o):QEventLoop.cpp:(.text.unlikely+0x24): undefined reference to `operator delete(void*, unsigned int)'
E:/hb32/comp/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/i686-w64-mingw32/4.9.2/../../../../i686-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: E:/hb32/lib/win/mingw/libhbqtcore.a(QEventLoop.o): bad reloc address 0x24 in section `.text.unlikely'
E:/hb32/comp/mingw/bin/../lib/gcc/i686-w64-mingw32/4.9.2/../../../../i686-w64-mingw32/bin/ld.exe: final link failed: Invalid operation
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status

i guess it are different LIB.a Version 4.92 vs. 8.10 while LIBhbqtgui.a was not build.

so where do i get x:\Qt\5.15.1\mingw48_32\ files or how do i upgrade QContribs to v8.10 ?
please help me to get a working 32 Bit QT Environment to work on hbXBP


Auge & Ohr

Nov 13, 2020, 6:16:43 PM11/13/20
to QtContribs
this is latest QT Setup
so how to to use QtConstrib with latest QT LIBs ?


Auge & Ohr

Nov 14, 2020, 4:48:56 PM11/14/20
to QtContribs

which QT Version is QtContribs_Mingw-492_Qt-550_r417_Setup.exe ?
09-Sep-2020 07:30
5.14/ 31-Mar-2020 09:14
5.13/ 31-Oct-2019 07:17
5.12/ 09-Nov-2020 07:42
5.9/ 16-Dec-2019 15:00 
no files between 2014 - 2019
5.1/ 06-May-2014 12:44
5.0/ 03-Jul-2013 11:57
4.8/ 04-Jun-2018 17:26

so where do i get a working v5.5.0 QT Environment to rebuild qtcontribs57.hbp / hbxbp.hbp ?

please help


Zoran Sibinovic

Nov 15, 2020, 12:54:14 PM11/15/20
to QtContribs
try in this

Hope helps

Auge & Ohr

Nov 15, 2020, 5:51:45 PM11/15/20
to QtContribs
THX, now i found QT 5.5.0 files ... but there seems no Lib*.a files ...
so what is next step ?


Zoran Sibinovic

Nov 16, 2020, 2:40:08 AM11/16/20
to QtContribs
I dont use the already compiled harbour nor  QtContribs 
There are my steps to do it by myself:

Since I use Qt 5.5.1, after installing it, create in the root the folder "c:\hb" (in my case) and in it, the folder "addons"

Use the TortoiseSVN app (you have it from the net) to get the latest QtContribs source files from the repo. Start explorer and right click on the "addons" folder and choose the SVN Checkout according the image in the attachment of this post.

After finished the previous step, dowload the latest harbour source files from:
by pressing the Code button and choosing the *.zip to download. The .zip file is named "core-master.zip", extract it in the "c:\hb" like in the second image in the attachment.

The environment variables in the OS must be at least:


MGWHOME = c:\Qt\Qt5.5.1\Tools\mingw492_32
MGWBIN = c:\Qt\Qt5.5.1\Tools\mingw492_32\bin
QTHOME = c:\Qt\Qt5.5.1\5.5\mingw492_32
HB_QTPATH = c:\Qt\Qt5.5.1\5.5\mingw492_32\bin
HB_WITH_QT = c:\Qt\Qt5.5.1\5.5\mingw492_32\include
QTPLATFORMS = c:\Qt\Qt5.5.1\5.5\mingw492_32\plugins\platforms

in the PATH variable add:

To compile harbour:
c:\hb\win-make.exe >\hb\hb.log 2>&1

to compile QtContribs:
hbmk2 -rebuildall C:\hb\addons\qtcontribs.hbp > \hbt\hbqt551.log 2>&1

and all the libs are stored in c:\hb\lib\win\mingw\



Auge & Ohr

Nov 16, 2020, 8:40:22 PM11/16/20
to QtContribs

THX for you Help
i will try the Way

Question : how do you know path of "URL of repository" ? is it always "latest" QT Version ?


i got stuck to compile harbour while get Error
i got "latest" Version from https://github.com/harbour/core
c:\hb\win-make.exe >\hb\hb.log 2>&1

! Building Harbour 3.2.0dev from source - https://harbour.github.io
! MAKE: c:/hb/win-make 4.1 sh.exe   
! HB_HOST_PLAT: win (x86)  HB_SHELL: nt
! HB_PLATFORM: win (x86) (auto-detected)
! HB_COMPILER: mingw (auto-detected: c:/MinGW/bin/)
! Component: 'zlib' found in c:/HB/src/3rd/zlib (local)
! Component: 'pcre' found in c:/HB/src/3rd/pcre (local)
! Component: 'gpm' not supported on win platform
! Component: 'slang' not found. Configure with HB_WITH_SLANG.
! Component: 'curses' not found. Configure with HB_WITH_CURSES.
! Component: 'x11' not found. Configure with HB_WITH_X11.
! Component: 'wattcp/watt-32' not supported on win platform
win-make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
win-make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
win-make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
! 'hbdossrl' library skipped (platform or compiler not supported)
win-make[4]: '../../../../../../lib/win/mingw/libpng.a' is up to date.
win-make[4]: '../../../../../../lib/win/mingw/libjpeg.a' is up to date.
win-make[4]: '../../../../../../lib/win/mingw/libhbpcre.a' is up to date.
win-make[4]: '../../../../../../lib/win/mingw/libtiff.a' is up to date.
win-make[4]: '../../../../../../lib/win/mingw/libhbzlib.a' is up to date.
win-make[3]: '../../../../../lib/win/mingw/libhbcommon.a' is up to date.
win-make[3]: '../../../../../lib/win/mingw/libhbnortl.a' is up to date.
win-make[3]: '../../../../../lib/win/mingw/libhbpp.a' is up to date.
win-make[3]: '../../../../../lib/win/mingw/libhbcplr.a' is up to date.
win-make[3]: '../../../../../bin/win/mingw/harbour.exe' is up to date.
win-make[3]: '../../../../../lib/win/mingw/libhbvm.a' is up to date.
win-make[4]: '../../../../../../lib/win/mingw/libhbmainstd.a' is up to date.
win-make[4]: '../../../../../../lib/win/mingw/libhbmainwin.a' is up to date.
win-make[4]: '../../../../../../lib/win/mingw/libhbmaindllh.a' is up to date.
win-make[4]: '../../../../../../lib/win/mingw/libhbmaindllp.a' is up to date.
win-make[4]: '../../../../../../lib/win/mingw/libhbvmmt.a' is up to date.
gcc   -I. -I../../../../../include -W -Wall -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=i586 -mtune=pentiumpro  -DUNICODE -DHB_HAS_PCRE -Ic:/HB/src/3rd/pcre -DPCRE_STATIC -DHB_HAS_ZLIB -Ic:/HB/src/3rd/zlib  -ohbsocket.o  -c ../../../hbsocket.c
In file included from ../../../hbsocket.c:223:0:
../../../hbsocket.c: In function 'hb_socketSetOsError':
../../../hbsocket.c:1109:12: error: 'ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY' undeclared (first use in this function)
../../../hbsocket.c:1109:12: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in
../../../hbsocket.c: In function 'hb_socketGetIFaces':
../../../hbsocket.c:4093:29: error: 'ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW' undeclared (first use in this function)
             if( dwResult == ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW )
../../../hbsocket.c:4099:29: error: 'NO_ERROR' undeclared (first use in this function)
             if( dwResult == NO_ERROR )
../../../../../config/rules.mk:88: recipe for target 'hbsocket.o' failed
win-make[3]: *** [hbsocket.o] Error 1
../../config/lib.mk:68: recipe for target 'descend' failed
win-make[2]: *** [descend] Error 2
../config/dir.mk:71: recipe for target 'rtl' failed
win-make[1]: *** [rtl] Error 2
config/dir.mk:71: recipe for target 'src' failed
win-make: *** [src] Error 2


that seem to finish

hbmk2: Error: Running C/C++ compiler. 1
! 'hbqt/qtcore/hbqtcore.hbp' returned status: 6
! Finished package build...
win-make[1]: [first] Error 6 (ignored)
./bin/win/mingw/hbmk2.exe ./config/postinst.hbs first
! postinst.hbs finished

and 37 Lib*.a was create

so i try
hbmk2 -rebuildall C:\hb\addons\qtcontribs.hbp > hbqt551.log 2>&1

hbmk2: Building sub-project (level 2): C:\hb\addons\debug\hwgdebug.hbp
hbmk2: Compiling Harbour sources...
hbmk2: Compiling...
hbmk2: Creating static library... C:\hb\lib\win\mingw\libhwgdebug.a
hbmk2: Building sub-project (level 2): C:\hb\addons\hbqt\qtcore\hbqtcore.hbp
hbmk2: Building sub-project (level 3): C:\hb\addons\hbqt\qtcore\hbqtcores.hbp
Error BASE/6101  Unknown or unregistered symbol: HB_REGEXHAS (Quit)
Error BASE/6101  Unknown or unregistered symbol: HB_REGEXHAS
Called from HB_HRBLOAD(0)  
Called from PLUGIN_LOAD(0)  
Called from HBMK2(0)  
Called from HBM_LOAD(0)  
Called from HBMK2(0)  
Called from HBM_LOAD(0)  
Called from HBMK2(0)  
Called from _APPMAIN(0) 

i guess these HB_REG* have been add later than harbour 3.0.0 ...

so i must find a newer harbour Source which "finished" to create QT LIBs ...


Zoran Sibinovic

Nov 17, 2020, 2:33:11 AM11/17/20
to QtContribs
Well Jimmy,

Question : how do you know path of "URL of repository" ? is it always "latest" QT Version ?  
Regarding how I know the repos paths I inform you that we talked here, in this group for at lеast 10 years so you can surely find a lot of what..., where... and with what.. in the previous posts.
For only-harbour discussions you can also join the: "Harbour Users" group,  https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/harbour-users
Yes in the repos links I wrote there are always the latest source versions of harbour and qtcontribs. 

Be aware that you have always to build/rebuild:
- if you download another Qt version - rebuild harbour and qtcontribs (clean build, not expect that harbour and qtcontribs will rebuild or work by using different various Qt-s)
- if you download newer harbour source - rebuild harbour and qtcontribs
- if you download newer qtcontribs source - rebuild only qtcontribs  

I prefer always to make a fresh clean build (never an update) with newer harbour or qtcontribs sources because there are always some changes in a two or more months in both.
You cannot build harbour or qtcontribs with one Qt version and then expected that it will be updated/rebuild if you change the Qt version when you want to update them. The build must be clean.

From what I saw:
win-make[4]: '../../../../../../lib/win/mingw/libpng.a' is up to date.
win-make[4]: '../../../../../../lib/win/mingw/libjpeg.a' is up to date.
win-make[4]: '../../../../../../lib/win/mingw/libhbpcre.a' is up to date.
win-make[4]: '../../../../../../lib/win/mingw/libtiff.a' is up to date.
win-make[4]: '../../../../../../lib/win/mingw/libhbzlib.a' is up to date.
win-make[3]: '../../../../../lib/win/mingw/libhbcommon.a' is up to date.
win-make[3]: '../../../../../lib/win/mingw/libhbnortl.a' is up to date.
win-make[3]: '../../../../../lib/win/mingw/libhbpp.a' is up to date.
win-make[3]: '../../../../../lib/win/mingw/libhbcplr.a' is up to date.
win-make[3]: '../../../../../bin/win/mingw/harbour.exe' is up to date.
win-make[3]: '../../../../../lib/win/mingw/libhbvm.a' is up to date.
win-make[4]: '../../../../../../lib/win/mingw/libhbmainstd.a' is up to date.
win-make[4]: '../../../../../../lib/win/mingw/libhbmainwin.a' is up to date.
win-make[4]: '../../../../../../lib/win/mingw/libhbmaindllh.a' is up to date.
win-make[4]: '../../../../../../lib/win/mingw/libhbmaindllp.a' is up to date.
win-make[4]: '../../../../../../lib/win/mingw/libhbvmmt.a' is up to date. 
You already had some previous build but is not known the environment of your previous build.
so i must find a newer harbour Source which "finished" to create QT LIBs ..  
Some clarifications:
- harbour itself have nothing to do with any of the Qt or qtcontribs libraries, it can be build (with a standalone choosen mingw) and used alone, without any Qt installation.
- harbour build and a Qt installation are mandatory for the build of qtcontribs 
- harbour and qtcontribs must be builded with the same mingw version with which it was builded the installed Qt version.
- qtcontribs is the most extensive Pritpal's contribution to harbour to to bring us closer the power of Qt using a big part of harbour and Clipper mentality 
- Qt and qtcontribs are not the same thing! 

In the attachment are my logs after the harbour and qtcontribs build with Qt 5.6.0 and the qtcontribs.hbp
In it are omitted all the modules I not use.


Auge & Ohr

Nov 17, 2020, 7:10:19 AM11/17/20
to QtContribs

> You already had some previous build but is not known the environment of your previous build.

thx for Help

i have start win-make twice and those Lib*.a was create before Error.
i can´t build QtContribs before i have all harbour Lib*.a with "same MinGW" Version as i want to use "more" than QT "only"

i was told to use Nightly Build Version ... who have a "working" link

hole run under virtualBox with "fresh" Windows 10 32 Bit


p.s. last harbour v3.0.0 Version does "finished" but QtContribs "need" newer Version ( missing HB_FUNC )
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