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Ricci Zepmeusel

Aug 9, 2023, 7:28:26 AM8/9/23
to QtContribs
After some years of doing other things than writing programs I found some time to do something else as caring for my garden.
So I planned to update my Harbour-QT-HQL program, hoping it won't crash from time to time after that.
Unfortunately, I failed when installing the various modules, even after 2 days and various combinations. Probably due to the lack of instructions on how to build a stable environment.
- I was able to compile the current source of Harbor with various versions with MingW as long as I stayed with 23 bits (I'm runnung Win10).
- Of course, I was also able to install various QT versions in this process.
- But when installing (compiling) the QtContrib code, I fail because of various error messages.
Isn't there a guide on how to clean install everything from scratch?

Francesco Perillo

Aug 10, 2023, 3:51:35 PM8/10/23
to qtcontribs
You didn't post any error so it is very difficult to say what's happening.

I just remember that some qt modules should be disabled during hbqt compilation.

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Ricci Zepmeusel

Aug 15, 2023, 4:38:15 AM8/15/23
to QtContribs
Well, it would be very helpful for a fresh start to know, which versions I should download and install to get a working system:
- Harbour (latest from ?)
- QT
- MingW
- QtContribs (latest from ?)

I spent a lot of hours with different combinations but wasn't even able to get the core modules HbContribs without an error.

Francesco Perillo

Aug 15, 2023, 5:10:34 AM8/15/23
to qtcontribs
I believe that the instructions posted here are still valid:

The idea is to compile harbour from source code using the compiler bundled with Qt.

In production I use Qt 5.10, old but stable.
I also use mingw compiler from msys2 but you need a stable, bullet proof, setup.

Please remember that in the blob post you are not going to install harbour, just setting PATH and other env variables, so you may have different versions side by side.


Francesco Perillo

Aug 15, 2023, 5:16:26 AM8/15/23
to qtcontribs
I should update that post ... a few things are changed since 2014... the repositories for example...

Ricci Zepmeusel

Aug 16, 2023, 8:30:30 AM8/16/23
to QtContribs
Hi Francesco,
after some more testing I made progress and I'm able to give you an error message during the build of Qtcontribs.
First my best working combination:
- latest Harbour source
- QT5.15.2 with MingW 810_32
- lastest Qtcontribs source

Everything works well until uic_scipts (from hbqtwidgets) should be processed:

Compiling 'hbqtwidgets\.hbmk\win\mingw\hbqtwidgets\uic_scripts.prg'...
hbqtwidgets\.hbmk\win\mingw\hbqtwidgets\uic_scripts.prg(355) Error E0014  #endif does not match #ifdef
hbqtwidgets\.hbmk\win\mingw\hbqtwidgets\uic_scripts.prg(362) Error E0014  #endif does not match #ifdef
hbqtwidgets\.hbmk\win\mingw\hbqtwidgets\uic_scripts.prg(367) Error E0014  #endif does not match #ifdef
hbqtwidgets\.hbmk\win\mingw\hbqtwidgets\uic_scripts.prg(371) Error E0014  #endif does not match #ifdef
hbqtwidgets\.hbmk\win\mingw\hbqtwidgets\uic_scripts.prg(375) Error E0014  #endif does not match #ifdef
hbqtwidgets\.hbmk\win\mingw\hbqtwidgets\uic_scripts.prg(380) Error E0014  #endif does not match #ifdef
hbqtwidgets\.hbmk\win\mingw\hbqtwidgets\uic_scripts.prg(385) Error E0014  #endif does not match #ifdef
hbqtwidgets\.hbmk\win\mingw\hbqtwidgets\uic_scripts.prg(390) Error E0014  #endif does not match #ifdef
hbqtwidgets\.hbmk\win\mingw\hbqtwidgets\uic_scripts.prg(394) Error E0014  #endif does not match #ifdef
hbqtwidgets\.hbmk\win\mingw\hbqtwidgets\uic_scripts.prg(399) Error E0014  #endif does not match #ifdef
10 errors
No code generated.

The generated code in this file looks like this:

METHOD ui_scripts:retranslate()
   ::HbQtScripts                       :  setWindowTitle( QCoreApplication_translate( e"HbQtScripts", e"HbQtScripts", 0 ) )
   ::labelSourceName                   :  setText( e"" )
   ::checkW3                           :  setText( QCoreApplication_translate( e"HbQtScripts", e"w3   ", 0 ) )
   ::checkES2                          :  setText( QCoreApplication_translate( e"HbQtScripts", e"es2  ", 0 ) )
   ::label_2                           :  setText( QCoreApplication_translate( e"HbQtScripts", e"Switches   ", 0 ) )
   ::label                             :  setText( QCoreApplication_translate( e"HbQtScripts", e"   Includes   ", 0 ) )
** #if QT_CONFIG(tooltip)
   ::comboInc                          :  setToolTip( QCoreApplication_translate( e"HbQtScripts", e"Type in one nclude path and press Enter.", 0 ) )
 #endif // QT_CONFIG(tooltip)
   ::btnCSoft                          :  setText( QCoreApplication_translate( e"HbQtScripts", e"...", 0 ) )
   ::btnCAll                           :  setText( QCoreApplication_translate( e"HbQtScripts", e"...", 0 ) )
   ::btnESoft                          :  setText( QCoreApplication_translate( e"HbQtScripts", e"...", 0 ) )
   ::btnEAll                           :  setText( QCoreApplication_translate( e"HbQtScripts", e"...", 0 ) )
** #if QT_CONFIG(tooltip)
   ::btnOpenClose                      :  setToolTip( QCoreApplication_translate( e"HbQtScripts", e"Open Left Pane", 0 ) )
 #endif // QT_CONFIG(tooltip)
   ::btnOpenClose                      :  setText( e"" )
   ::toolButton_11                     :  setText( e"" )

I think the "** #if " is not correct at this point?
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