[Qt-qml] question about inner working of transition for a state change

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Sivan Greenberg

Jan 20, 2012, 10:16:00 AM1/20/12
to qt-...@qt.nokia.com
Hi All!

First, the QtQuick development experience is fun and enjoying! It
has become easy to catch on new concepts and features as QtQuick
documentation has improved since the last time I tried to work with
it. The re-usability of every element you create is superb, given you
make just a few arrangements. The designer is not so bad at all so
overall: Fun building QtQuick apps!

Now, I'm using code and states to determine when my input box needs
to get focus:

onButton1Clicked: {
if (window.state=='feedView')
toolBar.button1Label = 'Save'
window.state= 'changeSettings'
setview.inputFocus = true
window.currentFeed = setview.address
toolBar.button1Label = 'Settings'


I also set the focus on the element I want to have focused on the
settings view state:

anchors.centerIn: parent
border.width: 20
SettingsView {
id: setview
inputFocus: true
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

Input focus is defined in the SettingsView component I created:

import QtQuick 1.0
Item {
property alias inputFocus: uri.focus

and references this:

focus: parent.focus
id: uri
onAccepted: {

window.currentFeed = "http://" + uri.text;
text: window.currentFeed

Now I have to *both* set inputFocus: true, and use imperative way in
the code to set the focus to true if I want focus reception and smooth

If I only set the declarative property inputFocus, the input box never
gets focus, and if I just set it through the code and not through the
property then the transition jitters and gets stuck for very short
time, but noticeable interrupting the transition, although the text
input gets focus.

Perhaps this is due to the reference of the parent's focus in "uri"?
Otherwise I would love to know why this happens so I can write just as
much as absolutely necessary imperative QML javascript code.

Many thanks!
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