Issue with developing large gridded model

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Aimen Sattar

Dec 10, 2024, 7:58:55 AM12/10/24
Dear SWAT+ team,

I am developing a large gridded model (c. 300k km2 with a grid resolution of 900m2) on a linux system. Watershed delineation is completed using outlet/inlet file and a stream threshold of 1000 dem cells (90m resolution). The process is slow and Chris has helped me by providing new QSWAT+ scripts to complete the hru development and the SWAT+ editor. Once the hru development is completed, i get a couple fo minor error messages, but it allows me to use the swat+editor. However, step 2 is no longer highlighted. This may be because i need to close QSWAT and then install the new version of SWAT+editor. I use the editor to import the weather, point source data etc. When i try to run the model, there are no error messages but no output files are created - i have checked the ouputs and all year and annual averages are included. 

Any guidance would be appreciated. 


Chris George

Dec 10, 2024, 8:18:10 AM12/10/24
to Aimen Sattar, QSWAT+
Is it step 2 (Create HRUs) that is not available or step 3 (Editor)?
The reason for the next step not being available can be found in the
QSWAT+ log messages: use button at bottom right to open the log panel,
and select QSWAT+ tab.

Errors in HRU creation will probably make the editor button unavailable:
you should correct them, even if you think they are minor. You can open
the editor outside QSWAT+ if you wish.


On 12/10/2024 12:58 PM, Aimen Sattar wrote:
> Dear SWAT+ team, I am developing a large gridded model (c. 300k km2 with
> a grid resolution of 900m2) on a linux system. Watershed delineation is
> completed using outlet/inlet file and a stream threshold of 1000 dem
> cells (90m resolution). The
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Aimen Sattar

Dec 10, 2024, 8:28:47 AM12/10/24
Hi Chris,

Step 3 is available, but step 2 becomes greyed out when i restart QSWAT+ after i install the modified version of SWAT+ editor. i will try and share the error messages. I am able to get into swat+ editor and modify the various inputs and run it. It runs without error but also without outputs.


Aimen Sattar

Dec 10, 2024, 10:25:10 AM12/10/24
Hi Chris,

I would like to clarify a couple of things. Firstly, i am abel to get to step 3. You can see in the image below, step 1 and 3 are accessible and step 2 is greyed out. This, i think, is in part due to me needing to exit QSWAT+ at the end of each step. You sent me through updated codes for SWAT+ for linux and SWAT+ editor. These new codes work for the high number of watersheds and hrus that i have for my gridded model. The problem is the SWAT+ code does not work for step 1; whenever i try to complete watershed delineation, i get an error from the pitfill stage. Is there an updated code that includes all of these changes without the TauDEM issues, please?



Chris George

Dec 10, 2024, 11:55:43 AM12/10/24
to Aimen Sattar, QSWAT+
When I tried your example Step 1 was not completed successfully because
you included lakes that were outside the watershed. The code concluded
that lakes were not dealt with successfully because none were dealt
with. I could fix this, but it was not trivial, and you don't have to
include the lakes file. If this is the example try doing that.

If there is a problem with pitfill you need to tell me exactly what it
is. Try running it separately in a shell so you can easily see all the


On 12/10/2024 3:25 PM, Aimen Sattar wrote:
> Hi Chris, I would like to clarify a couple of things. Firstly, i am abel
> to get to step 3. You can see in the image below, step 1 and 3 are
> accessible and step 2 is greyed out. This, i think, is in part due to me
> needing to exit QSWAT+ at the
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