An essential issue of our times invites your participation: Islamic Principles for the Muslim's Attitude during tribulations

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Feb 8, 2011, 12:37:22 AM2/8/11
As-Salaam Alaykum

It gives me great pleasure to inform you of our next seminar that we hope to conducting the coming week. [If you are in Kuwait, you can attend in person; please email us].

We will be recording a study and explanation of the book, "Islamic Principles for the Muslim's Attitude during Fitan (trials, tribulations, afflictions, calamities) by Ash-Shaikh Saaleh Aal-Shaikh".

Shaikh Abdullah al-Farsi (hafidhhullah) will be teaching the subject.

[About the Shaikh: ]

This is a very important book that brings to us the guidelines of the Qur'aan and the Sunnah; on how to deal with the most difficult of times - Times that test us to the limit.

 We invite you to participate with us in studying the book (see. attachment), which you can also download from:


You can take part by …

 (a) Sending in your questions, based on what you have read in the book

 (b) By sharing with us, how the principles mentioned in this book relate you your local situation or to circumstances you may what witnessed.

 (c)  Getting your dawah center/study circle involved in the discussion.

 Once the DVD of this event is ready, it will be put online insha'allah, just as the "Four Foundations of Shirk" DVDs

 There are no copyrights or restrictions for non-commercial use; and the DVDs/Books can be freely copied and distributed.



 Your brother in Faith



 Excerpt from this book ...

"Allah's Messenger used to frequently seek refuge with Allah from Fitan. And he used to warn against Fitan. Therefore Imam al-Bukharee (rahimahullah) began, 'The Book of Fitan' in his Saheeh (al-Bukharee) with the following chapter:

Chapter: The Saying of Allah, "Fear the Fitna which affects not only those of you who do wrong…" and the warnings of Allah's Messenger against Fitan.

So it is necessary for us to warn (ourselves and others) against Fitan before it arises and stay far away from any thing that might take us close to or lead to Fitan.

 Such is because when Fitan arise, it does not only seize the unjust, rather it afflicts everyone. (Moreover,) when it arises, it does not spare anyone to say anything.

 Verily, increase in the emergence of Fitan is from amongst the signs of the final days (of this world) as is authentically related in the Saheeh that the Prophet said, "Time will pass rapidly, good deeds will decrease, miserliness will be thrown (in the hearts of the people), Fitan will appear and there will be much al-Harj." ...

 It is thus necessary for us to remind them and ourselves to adhere to the beneficial knowledge and hold fast to the Aqeedah of the Salaf as-Saleh and Aqeedah of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah. (because) we hope that this blessed awakening propagates the religion of Allah and inculcates the love of Sharee'ah (religion) and steadfastness in the people.

 We hope that this Islamic awakening will keep steadfast upon the beneficial knowledge because today our youth seek the beneficial knowledge and they crave for the statements of the Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah.

 I, therefore find it incumbent upon myself to convey, remind and explain to them what I know of the sayings of our scholars and the statements of Ahlus-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah that are based upon the saying of the Prophet (sallallahu alaihewa-sallam) and Allah, the Exalted.

 Verily, if Fitan are neglected, its (impending) consequences ignored and if the people of knowledge do not have the insight/foresight or prudence that causes them to (fittingly) deal with the contemporary situation or the emerging Fitan - in accordance with the commandments of Allah and His Messenger - then the situation will become worse in the future. [End Quote]


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