Comments on the review, “Zakir Naik on NDTV talk show – A Review”

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Mar 17, 2010, 7:46:03 AM3/17/10
to qsep. com
Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem

Comments on the review, “Zakir Naik on NDTV talk show – A Review”

I begin by saying that I have a deep appreciation of the efforts of all brothers who are involved in dawah because they provide a much needed service to the ummah, and that criticizing someone’s mistake is in no manner a rejection of their entire effort, or questioning their sincerity.

Following the NDTV talk show, a review was written entitled, “Zakir Naik on NDTV talk show – A Review.”

The brother who wrote this review has clarified, 
“My stand on Shahrukh khan or any other khan in bollywood is evident from my previous lectures in which many times I have said that all the khans in Bollywood have the clear traits of Kaafirs.”

My comments

Alhamdulillah, you have said the truth, and this fact must reflect in your review of the ndtv talk-show because the greatest harm that came to the people because of this program was being exposed to statements of Kufr and heresy. Any review that does not highlight this most important matter is EXTREMELY DEFICIENT. 

Therefore, instead of writing patronizing statements that further add to the confusion, the need is to clearly and unequivocally explain to people what is kufr and heresy, and to warn the people from falsehood, and to hate the callers of Kufr.

The Gravity of the Situation

The first matter is to understand the gravity of the situation. 

The religion that Shahrukh Khan follows is “wahdat ul-adyaan (unity of all religions)” which is Major Kufr and takes one out of Islam. 

Added to this, he is an ardent caller to his misguided ways, often portraying himself as an example of this. The proofs of this are many and well-known. 
Ref: | See min 4:20 to 6:40

Shaikh Bakr Abu Zaid (rahimahulah) writes refuting Wahdat al-Adyaan, 
"The call of uniting Islam (the religion which came to cancel out all the previous religion) with that which the Jews and Christians are upon (religions that are marred with additions and modification) is the greatest deceit that has challenged Islam - united upon it are both, the Jews and the Christians due to their mutual hatred for Islam and the Muslims, and they have covered it with polished slogans and it is a deception that holds frightening fate.

Its ruling in Islam is that it is a call of Bidah, misguidance that leads to Kufr (disbelief), Riddah (apostasy) from Islam, because it ruins the Aqeedah, falsifies the truthfulness of the Qur'aan, and the Qur'aan's being the Naskh (something that cancels out the previous revealed books), and falsifying the Naskh of Islam for the previous legislations, falsifies the fact that Prophet (sallallahu alaihe wa-sallam) is the seal of the Prophets - So it is a theory that is rejected in Sharee'ah." [Ibtaal li-Nadhariyah al-Khalt bayna al-Islam wa-gairihi minal-Adyan by Sheikh Bakr Abu Zaid]

Those who saw the talk-show, will realize that each of these outcomes of wahdat al-adyaan were witnessed.

Moreover, no one should be deluded that Shahrukh Khan uttered his statements of Kufr out of innocence or ignorance, rather he is spokesperson for what is referred to these days as “modernist Islam”, “humane Islam”, “gender-friendly Islam”, “Islam 2.0”, “Progressive Islam”, or as Shahrukh puts it, “moderate Islam.”

SRK and the others with him on the talk-show, mimic word-for-word what the ‘modernist’ heretics say. They consider it acceptable and rather praiseworthy;
(1) to be negligent of Islam, 
(2) not to declare the superiority of Islam, 
(3) to base the religion on feeling rather than the orders of Allah, 
(4) to abandon acts of worship in Islam, 
(5) to interpret the religion in one’s own personal way, 
(6) to have a choice in matters that Allah has ordered, 
(7) not to enjoin the good and forbid the evil, 
(8) Islam is culture not religion, and finally 
(9) to approve idol-worship and considering it to be prayer.

If you refer to the statements of the so-called “progressives” that I have collected in the book, “A critical Analysis of the Modernists and Hadeeth Rejecters”, you will see that they are exactly the same as what Shahrukh Khan, Kabir khan and Najeeb Jung said. And this in no co-incidence.

Therefore, wahdat al-adyaan is being promoted as Islam by Shahrukh Khan at least since the year 2003, and his utterances are neither innocent nor haphazard. 

Video 1. Youtube video where you can see him and his wife and kids participating in idol worship. 

Video 2. The same is reported in the Times of India (Aug 15, 2003)
[Shahrukh comments about his son referring to an idol as, ‘Ganpati Allah’. “It's such a nice thought, so untouched as yet by society. Ganpati allah, I hope he remains that way all his life.”]

Video 3. He said the same in an interview after the terrorist attacks on Mumbai. 
Link: [See min 4:20 to 6:40]

Video 4. Approving participation in Durge Puja (recent video at the time of the IPL when he hurt his shoulder) -

My comments about few statements made by Shahrukh Khan in the NDTV Talk Show

SRK was asked, "If your kids asked you what is your religion, what would you say."
SRK replied, “My daughter asked me one day, she came back, and said teacher or somebody asked if she was Hindu or Muslim, and I said to her say you are Christian, its absolutely alright. We are Indians, let’s not go there. But yes I make them pray as much as I can in the Islamic way”. 
Barkha interjects saying, “Both Faiths”. 
He replied, “My wife does it in her faith. And the fact is we are very clear, we accept it with ease.”

My comments: This is Wahdatul-adyaan (unity of all religion). In this statement is approval of idol-worship and considering it Ibaadah (prayer). 

SRK: “I just want to know very clearly, and I am a Muslim - Is it more important for me to look Muslim and see Muslim, or to feel Muslim. I fully respect the scriptures, I fully respect all the hadeeths, I’ve read the Quraan in my own way, in Arabic and in English, but I think the time has come, and this genuinely is an appeal, it is more important to feel Muslim, than to look it. And if you do its absolutely cool, and if you don’t its absolutely cool.”

Comments: “Deen based on feelings” is another modernist hoax by which people’s desires are given credence over the revealed texts. And this is one of the main foundations of the modernist call. This is exactly how Christian-modernists, managed in the eighteen century to destroy what rules and regulations remained in Christianity. Naturally, SRK makes a passionate appeal in support of it, trying to give his ideas of Kufr authority by mentioning that he has read the quraan. 

SRK: “Namaaz - I was always taught niyat (intention) se padhi jati hai. You have to believe in it yourself. No body can teach you. We are taught 5 waqt ki namaaz padna zaroori hai, but not every muslim follows it.”
When he was asked, “Do you follow it?” 
He replied, “No, I’m not able to follow it, and I’m very honest about it. I’d love to but I can’t. But I think of Allah every moment of my life.”

My Comments: Both - the faith as well as the prayer are taught and learnt. 
And as for being honest, then what he is really being is shameless - in front of Allah and the people.
Prayer is the most important of actions in Islam, to the extent that it is the shield between Faith and disbelief, and is the first thing the slave will be questioned about.

SRK: “Yes, we can clarify views on Islam how much ever knowledge of Islam we have, depending on that, but we have really never gone out and started stating that this religion is good or bad, or nice or fantastic” 

Comment: This is denying the superiority of Islam, and it being the only religion acceptable to Allah. He has said the same thing more explicitly in video 3. 


My comments on, “Zakir Naik on NDTV talk show – A Review”

After realizing the seriousness of the situation, here is what this review says about Shahrukh Khan, 

“He is far superior to all others sitting in on the center stage in handling such Media based dialogues that requires special skills of answering in just one or two sentences. 
Although in his initial days, he used to openly comment that he isn’t interested in faith etc, it is quite interesting to see his stance on Islam lately. I guess when a person begins to be pushed about his religion, he does realize its importance. 
Shahrukh has been speaking about him being Muslim and how proud he is to follow Islam in many of his talks lately. His latest film “My name is khan” also tries to picture the same. Although not entirely correct in his statements, he emphasizes on feeling Islam than following it. However, he also adds that he is a bad follower of Islam and that his film acting is against Islamic rules. Agreeing to this fact shows that there is some amount of sincerity in him depending on his knowledge about Islam. 
He also said that Islamic scholars are very important for true understanding of Islam. All in all, the guy did improve his stance on Islam since his last talk. I should say Kudos to him for accepting that film acting career is haraam in Islam.
This shows how Allah makes his deen shine even through the Non practicing Muslims.”

My Comments:

1. This talk-show exposed the people to extremely deviated and dangerous viewpoints, and therefore our duty first and foremost is to clarify the correct Islamic Aqeedah, warn against the Kufr, and to show Baraa (disassociation) and hatred towards callers of Kufr. 
Patronizing statements and general remarks have no place or benefit here - rather they take away from the seriousness of the matter. 

2. Warning and praising someone at the same time sends mixed-signals that confuse the people. This is particularly bad when the issue is a critical one - as explained above - and the matter relates to Islam and Kufr. You want people to have a clear stance concerning issues in which doubts and accommodating the opposing opinion is not an option. In fact, Islamically, this is a form of deceiving the people.
More on this at:

3. The review says, “Although in his initial days, he used to openly comment that he isn’t interested in faith etc, it is quite interesting to see his stance on Islam lately.” [end quote]

SRK's current stand on Islam is Kufr - and it has been so at least since the year 2003. 
The above quoted statement of the reviewer is more in line with what a journalist would say because their main concern is being an inert observer – whereas for a believer, attacks at the foundations of the Deen (religion) invokes anger and Gheerah (jealousy for the deen), and this is what should reflect in our reviews and comments.

4. The review says, “I guess when a person begins to be pushed about his religion, he does realize its importance.”

Does Shahrukh Khan - in this NDTV talk show - seem like someone who gives any importance to the religion of Islam at all? 
It is more important for SRK to be a certain nationality or be a good humanist - than being Muslim. For SRK, Islam is no better than man-made religions. 
If one is too busy to pray, think of Allah. Be Muslim or just feel Muslim, it’s all the same. Pray to Allah or pray to idols, its all clear and easy. Religion for SRK is clearly a joke.

5. The review says, “Shahrukh has been speaking about him being Muslim and how proud he is to follow Islam in many of his talks lately. His latest film, 'My name is khan.' also tries to picture the same.”

My Comments: From what was said in the talk-show, the movie is not about following Islam, but about free-will to follow as you please. 
In SRK’s words, “I condemn the people who’ve done what we’ve shown in the film, anywhere in the world. But I don’t condemn it as an anti-religious act. I condemn it as a anti-freewill act. Faith is about free-will, if he wants to wear it (i.e. the hijab) it is absolutely alright, it could be a hijaab, could be a bikini…”

6. The review says, “Although not entirely correct in his statements, he emphasizes on feeling Islam than following it.”

My Comments: ‘not entirely correct’ is a huge understatement, outrageous is perhaps more appropriate. If you don’t follow Islam you won’t feel it, and you cannot feel Islam without following it."

In Islam, actions are part of Eeman (faith) itself, so if you have no actions for the sake of Allah, you have no faith. For details see: 
Moreover, feeling are from a person’s nafs (self) and desires, and Allah’s Messenger (sallallahu alaihe wa-sallam) said, “None of you is a true believer until his Hawaa (desires) is in accordance with what I have brought forth”. The one who follows his desires, will fall into sins and even Kufr. 

7. The author wrote, “However, he also adds that he is a bad follower of Islam and that his film acting is against Islamic rules. Agreeing to this fact shows that there is some amount of sincerity in him depending on his knowledge about Islam.” 

My Comments: See point no.2. Praising and warning against someone confuses the matter. And our job is to present the Islamic perspective to events - not report for the local newspaper. 

8. The review says, “He also said that Islamic scholars are very important for true understanding of Islam.” 

My Comments: Rather SRK has said the very opposite. He refers to the Ulama as specialists, and says they have a role to play. But he immediately, contradicts this by saying, “Now I am letting my children know about the religion I think I know the best in the most understandable and nice manner, and Insha’allah they will also be Muslims but I’m not going to teach them perhaps the whole, the clergy, the very strict way of Islam, I will teach them the way I … (i.e. not the puritanical interpretation)”

So what is the role of the Ulama (scholars) if their specialist understanding of Islam is unacceptable to Shahrukh Khan for his children?

Furthermore, why is it then that SRK insisted on pushing his views on Islam, instead of putting Dr. Zakir forward to speak on Islam. 

9. The review says, “All in all, the guy did improve his stance on Islam since his last talk.” 

My Comments: It was Kufr then and it is Kufr now - Meaningless and contradictory rhetoric that comes from Shahrukh Khan, is of no value.

10. The author wrote, “This shows how Allah makes his deen shine even through the Non practicing Muslims”

My Comments: This comment reminded me of the ‘India Shining’ slogan of the BJP that lost it its election, they too tried to portray something shining that wasn’t. The hypocrites did the utmost of what they could to subdue Allah’s deen, calling for complete and absolute freedom to believe and do as one wishes in the name of Islam. And no restriction, means no religion at all.

Conclusion: With the above, the condescending nature of this review is clearly demonstrated. It has been written based more on the feelings of the author than on facts and baseerah (insight/knowledge). There is no perception of the gravity of the situation, and hardly any proper analysis of the assaults on the fundamentals and foundations of Islam. What prompted me to write these comments is that this review and others similar to it, directed readers to take this grave situation very lightly. 


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