Shaikh Abdullah al-Farsi on Shahrukh Khan's utterances of Major Kufr

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Mar 13, 2010, 3:09:50 AM3/13/10

Shaikh Abdullah al-Farsi on Shahrukh Khan's utterances of Major Kufr

Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem

Audio Link:

Recently, a talk show in India did a program on the “Muslim Identity”, on which they invited a panel of famous Muslims to express their opinion. On the panel were some famous Muslim actors and film personalities, including the famous actor Shahrukh Khan; Dr. Zakir Naik was also invited to this panel. 

Usually Muslim film personalities are known to express strange opinions on Islam, and their voice reaches the general film going folk. This time however, with the involvement of Dr. Zakir naik, this event was widely promoted and publicized in Islamic circles, and the statements of Kufr and heresy uttered were heard by many practicing Muslims, who normally would not be subjected to this talk.

As expected the film personalities got all the talk time, Dr. Zakir wasn’t allowed to clarify much, and the actors said many things that contradict the very foundations of Islam. 

The people who promoted this event, and amongst them are heads of organization that claim to specialize in comparative religion and calling non-Muslims to Islam, did not find it necessary to respond to the false ideas people were exposed to as a result of this program. 

Their reviews were mostly that the media is biased against Muslims and it was a conspiracy that Dr. Zakir Naik was given very little time. 
Extremely deficient reviews!!!

In this context we have directed a number of questions to our sheikh, Abdullah al-Farsi (hafidhahullah) specifically about 
the statements and utterances of the actor Shahrukh Khan who attributes divinity to idols, approves of Idol-worship, approves participation in idol-worshipping ceremonies and is a passionate caller to his ways of disbelief.

In this mp3 lecture, you will find insha’allah a detailed discussion on the issues, where the sheikh explains that 
the Kufr (disbelief) of this individual is clear and apparent, and that the ruling of being a Kaafir and outside the millah of Islam applies to him from many angles. And this is such a clear and apparent matter that anyone who sees it and denies this individual’s being a Kaafir, is a Kaafir himself

Audio Link:


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