The Four Foundations of Shirk (now online)

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Jul 5, 2010, 5:17:11 PM7/5/10
Bismillah Ar-Rahmaan Ar-Raheem

As-Salaam Aliakum

Book and DVD Video for Free Download: The Four Foundations of Shirk


This is a study course that aims to deepen your understanding of Tawheed and Shirk based upon the exemplary and precise book 'al-Qawaaid al-'Arba'a' or 'The Four Foundations', authored by Shaikhul-Islam, al-Mujaddid (the reviver), Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab (rahimahullah).

This book centers around four foundation rules that help explain the meaning of shirk and clarify the many misconceptions that surround the subject.


1. The Book:  English translation of the "Explanation of the Four Principles". The explanation is by the eminent scholar, Al-Allamah Saaleh bin Fawzaan al-Fawzaan.

2. The DVD: Shaikh (Dr.) Abdullah al-Farsi explains this book in a 120 minute video seminar, which can be downloaded for FREE. The shaikh methodically touches upon and clarifies many finer issues on the subject, and presents valuable discussions from his lifetime of study and experience on this most fundamental matter of Tawheed and Shirk.

In this course, you will learn:
o       What is Shirk?
o       Is the Muslim Ummah Protected from Shirk?
o       Is the ruling concerning a grave-worshiper different from the ruling concerning those who worshiped the idols during the time of Allah's Messenger?
o       Do we call anybody who calls upon the dead, or makes Tawaaf around their grave out of respect, or worships the dead - a Mushrik right away?
o       Is seeking Barakah (blessings) from the creation an act of Shirk?
o       Is there Barakah in the remnants of the Prophet after his death?
o       Who is a Wali? What is Karamah? Is Karamah necessary for Wilayah?
o       Does Allah honor his Wali by causing his Karamah to benefit people even after his death?
o       What is Shafa'ah (intercession) and its types?
o       What are the different Shafa'ah that are special for Prophet Muhammad?
o       What are the conditions of the approved Shafa'ah?
o       How is it to ask Shafa'ah or Dua from the Prophet while he is in his grave?

May Allah make us amongst those who listen and benefit, and may Allah increase the ranks of all the scholars of Ahlus-Sunnah, who indeed are the inheritors of the Prophet.

May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our messenger Muhammed, upon his family and upon those who follow his path until the Last Day.


Hope you find this beneficial and informative


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