The Last Days of the Prophet (sallallahu alaihe wasallam)

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Jan 15, 2010, 2:14:17 AM1/15/10
Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem

As-Salaam alaikum

sajid recommends the following resource available for FREE Download at

DVD Video: The Last Days of the Prophet (sallallahu alaihe wasallam)

A heart-felt lecture by Shaikh Abdullah al-Farsi (hafidhahullah), about the greatest calamity that has ever befallen mankind � the death of Allah�s Messenger � his last days, his last sermon and his last words of advice.

In this lecture, we learn important lessons from the attitude of the Sahabah (radhiallahu anhum) upon the departure of their beloved Prophet. We learn of their obedience to the teachings of the Prophet, their steadfastness in facing the overwhelming challenges that arose and their agreement upon Abu Bakr as-Siddiq as the first Khalifah.

We learn of Abu Bakr�s courage (radiallahu anhu), trust in Allah and persistence on implementing the orders of Allah�s Messenger (sallalahu alaihe wa-sallam) that brought glory to Islam and subdued its enemies.

This lecture also covers many subsidiary issues like, the unjust Hudaibiyah treaty that turned out to be a great victory for Islam and the correct understanding of Jihad in Islam.

Finally, a supplementary question/answer session that discusses the issue of taking the graves of the Prophets as places of worship, the nature of their life in the grave, our obligation towards Allah�s Messenger and our responsibility towards carrying forward the message.

Hope you find this beneficial and informative


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