Titanium unleashed

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Dave MacLachlan

Feb 4, 2009, 1:10:23 AM2/4/09
to qsb-mac...@googlegroups.com, qsb-m...@googlegroups.com
Hey folks,

You can grab the latest version of the QSB here:


Release notes are here:


We'll be very interested to see what you think about our latest

Some of the key points:

- memory usage should be down quite a bit
- general typing performance is hopefully better, please let us know
what you think (constructive criticism is always preferred... this is
a work in progress ;-) )
- several bugs were smashed, and hopefully no major ones were introduced
- Added some new flashy features (large type, improved accounts,
twitter etc)

As you've probably noticed, the issues list has been updated as we've
been fixing them. For those of you who are interested in the code side
of things, the code repository is up to date with the latest code.

On behalf of the qsb team, thanks for all your support, and keep the
ideas coming. Hopefully you see that we are acting upon your comments,
and that they do make a difference.


Evan Hindra

Feb 4, 2009, 3:26:49 AM2/4/09
to QSB Mac General Discussion
Hey Dave,

Good to see that the development of QSB is very much alive/active.

Anyway, you mentioned "twitter". What does it exactly do? I see the
Twitter plugin gives it an action to QSB, but I can't get the action
to show up.

What's the trigger for it?


Ray Shan

Feb 4, 2009, 3:38:17 AM2/4/09
to QSB Mac General Discussion
Awesome update! Having the exact issue. Tried to type text then pivot
to actions but no send update.


Evan Hindra

Feb 4, 2009, 3:55:41 AM2/4/09
to QSB Mac General Discussion
Sorry, slightly off-topic.

I can't seem to find Quicksilver.app when I type "Quick" or even
"Quicksilver". QSB found the following:
• Quicktime Player (the .app)
• Quicktime Preference Pane
• Quickpwn (yes, I pwnd my iPhone…)
• Quick Search Box

What gives? ;)


Feb 4, 2009, 4:31:36 AM2/4/09
to QSB Mac General Discussion
Wow, I'm loving Titanium so far, performance is much improved.

I am now at a point where I feel I can actually use QSB all by itself
for a while without QS running as back up.

Small point:
When I find an item for example a preference pane or a contacts phone
number and then arrow (or tab) into it I just get a single line saying
''x' actions 'x' folders' when I would expect the actual actions and/
or folders to be listed and not summarised in this way.

Cheers for a great update!

On Feb 4, 6:10 am, Dave MacLachlan <dmacl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey folks,
> You can grab the latest version of the QSB here:
> http://code.google.com/p/qsb-mac/downloads/list
> Release notes are here:
> http://qsb-mac.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/release_notes/QuickSearchBoxR...


Feb 4, 2009, 6:28:35 AM2/4/09
to QSB Mac General Discussion
I will download this and give it a try. I have been using QSB for a
while but this week decided to switch back to Quicksilver, Right now I
find it just so much more powerful. When new functions are added I
will maybe switch back, Good job however and keep things flowing


Feb 4, 2009, 8:02:06 AM2/4/09
to QSB Mac General Discussion
Dang it Dave. Always with the updates when I'm already at work. :-P

I can't wait to download it and try it out tonight.


Feb 4, 2009, 8:10:36 AM2/4/09
to QSB Mac General Discussion
Wow, nicely done. Much, much faster. I don't quite see what adding my
Twitter account does though.


Feb 4, 2009, 8:17:07 AM2/4/09
to QSB Mac General Discussion
So re: twitter support you said:
> Added a Twitter account and a Twitter 'send status' action as an example of an account plugin using HGSSimpleAccount.

So what is that? I was not able to invoke the 'send status' command.



Feb 4, 2009, 8:19:37 AM2/4/09
to QSB Mac General Discussion
Great update, really cut down the lag time when searching which was my
main gripe with its launching capabilities.
I'm actually running it instead of quicksilver at the moment and
coping without it for the first time in a couple of years which is
really something, the only thing I really miss at the moment are all
my assigned keystroke triggers for itunes control and such.

Amazing work guys, thank you!

On Feb 4, 6:10 am, Dave MacLachlan <dmacl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey folks,
> You can grab the latest version of the QSB here:
> http://code.google.com/p/qsb-mac/downloads/list
> Release notes are here:
> http://qsb-mac.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/release_notes/QuickSearchBoxR...

Dave MacLachlan

Feb 4, 2009, 9:53:48 AM2/4/09
to qsb-mac...@googlegroups.com

Right now the UI for all of this isn't exactly clear ;-)

1) Open preferences
2) Go to the accounts pane
3) Click on "add"
4) Choose twitter
5) add your info
6) close preferences
7) bring up QSB
8) hit the spacebar, and then type what you want to tweet
9) choose the twitter action

Once you've got it set up it's easy to do. The UI will be improving...
we're still trying to figure out exactly how we want it to work.


Dave MacLachlan

Feb 4, 2009, 9:59:29 AM2/4/09
to qsb-mac...@googlegroups.com

For apps we search on the actual display name. Quicksilver's display
name isn't "Quicksilver". Look carefully at it and you will see that
it is a collection of weird and wonderful unicode characters to make
it look fancy. Try searching for "Qu" and then "Latin Small Letter
Dotless I" that you can generate by selecting codepoint 0131 of the
unicode character palette, and I think you will find it ;-)

Please add an issue to our list so that we can add a way of finding it.


Dave MacLachlan

Feb 4, 2009, 10:01:01 AM2/4/09
to qsb-mac...@googlegroups.com

On Feb 04, 2009, at 01:31 , funkymonkey wrote:

> Wow, I'm loving Titanium so far, performance is much improved.
> I am now at a point where I feel I can actually use QSB all by itself
> for a while without QS running as back up.
> Small point:
> When I find an item for example a preference pane or a contacts phone
> number and then arrow (or tab) into it I just get a single line saying
> ''x' actions 'x' folders' when I would expect the actual actions and/
> or folders to be listed and not summarised in this way.

Yes...this is temporary. We're still trying to figure out the optimal
amount of information to show "up front". Right now we've gone with a
very minimalist approach to say the least ;-) We'll fix this up.


Dave MacLachlan

Feb 4, 2009, 10:01:47 AM2/4/09
to qsb-mac...@googlegroups.com

On Feb 04, 2009, at 03:28 , cor...@cfl.rr.com wrote:

> I will download this and give it a try. I have been using QSB for a
> while but this week decided to switch back to Quicksilver, Right now I
> find it just so much more powerful. When new functions are added I
> will maybe switch back, Good job however and keep things flowing

Be sure to add issues on our issues list for the functions that you
use regularly. This helps us prioritize what we are going to work on.


Gary L. Gray

Feb 4, 2009, 2:36:56 PM2/4/09
to qsb-mac...@googlegroups.com

On Feb 4, 2009, at 9:53 AM, Dave MacLachlan wrote:

>> Anyway, you mentioned "twitter". What does it exactly do? I see the
>> Twitter plugin gives it an action to QSB, but I can't get the action
>> to show up.
>> What's the trigger for it?
> Right now the UI for all of this isn't exactly clear ;-)
> 1) Open preferences
> 2) Go to the accounts pane
> 3) Click on "add"
> 4) Choose twitter
> 5) add your info
> 6) close preferences
> 7) bring up QSB
> 8) hit the spacebar, and then type what you want to tweet
> 9) choose the twitter action
> Once you've got it set up it's easy to do. The UI will be improving...
> we're still trying to figure out exactly how we want it to work.

I entered my Twitter account and then I tried executing the above and
I am not seeing a Twitter action. What am I missing?

-- Gary

Gary L. Gray

Feb 4, 2009, 2:39:24 PM2/4/09
to qsb-mac...@googlegroups.com
Never mind -- I see that the right arrow key is the "key". :-)

-- Gary


Feb 4, 2009, 2:40:38 PM2/4/09
to qsb-mac...@googlegroups.com
When you hit space and type something a "text" object should appear. Then tab over to see "more actions" and hit enter. There should be a "send twitter status" action.
<a href="http://friendfeed.com/bjtitus"><img alt="View my FriendFeed" style="border:0;" src="http://friendfeed.com/embed/widget/bjtitus/v-2/hide_logo-1/hide_comments_likes-1/hide_subscribe-1/format-png/width-800" /></a>

Gary L. Gray

Feb 4, 2009, 2:42:56 PM2/4/09
to qsb-mac...@googlegroups.com
Aha! Tab also works. This just keeps getting better and better. :-)

-- Gary

Isaac Gonzalez

Feb 4, 2009, 2:45:56 PM2/4/09
to qsb-mac...@googlegroups.com
It took me a while to figure as well...

You need to press spacebar then you see it's in "text" mode.
From their hit tab you see something like "4 more actions"
Then you hit return
By this point you should see the twitter action below.

Once you go through this process you can then "easily"
* Press Spacebar
* Type in your message
* Pretty Tab
* Enter "Twit"
* Press Enter

And then... whala!!!

It step in the right direction but I think it takes too many steps.
It's still faster for me to use Ubiquitous in Firefox. Add I have to
do is type in "Twit " message and then enter.

Then you


Feb 4, 2009, 11:06:21 PM2/4/09
to QSB Mac General Discussion
Just thought I'd shout out to Dave and the other Devs. Performance
improvements are absolutely delicious.

Looking forward to the things in the works as well.


Feb 5, 2009, 2:13:32 AM2/5/09
to QSB Mac General Discussion
Thanks, great update, typing is much much faster.
Twitter integration is good idea but it can't beat Twitterrific
(yet :) ).
Thanks for your work.


Feb 5, 2009, 11:02:43 AM2/5/09
to QSB Mac General Discussion
I don't know why but on one of my Mac's the new version does NOT open
up certain Preference Panes. For instance, I use Witch. If I open
QSB and type Witch, the install DMG is the first thing that shows up.
The actual preference pane does NOT show up in any of the results.


Feb 5, 2009, 5:45:44 PM2/5/09
to QSB Mac General Discussion
That helped bigtime.

Although Twitter shows it as being posted from Web, instead of Google
QSB. Weird.


Feb 5, 2009, 5:50:05 PM2/5/09
to qsb-mac...@googlegroups.com
I agree. The posting device should be labeled as QSB. I'm sure this is just a missing API thing.

Dave MacLachlan

Feb 6, 2009, 9:53:35 AM2/6/09
to qsb-mac...@googlegroups.com
Please log an issue on it.


Isaac Gonzalez

Feb 6, 2009, 1:23:57 PM2/6/09
to qsb-mac...@googlegroups.com
Hi Everyone,

Last when I purchased my Macbook I decided to stop using Quicksilver.
Since then I have gotten use to using Expose and switching between
it's spaces. I'm a web developer so I usually have about three to
four apps running at all times. Plus I have a little bit of computer
ADD and spontaneously surf the web every hour or so.

My question is do you guys use Expose & Spaces with Quicksilver or
QSB? If so do you have any tips or idea's on how to integrate OSX
10.5 features with QSB? I'm just curious what some of the other power
users are doing. Thanks



Feb 6, 2009, 1:40:30 PM2/6/09
to qsb-mac...@googlegroups.com
An issue has been created here: http://code.google.com/p/qsb-mac/issues/detail?id=221

I don't know how to change the type to "enhancement" though so if someone could tell me how I'd appreciate it.

Dave MacLachlan

Feb 6, 2009, 1:44:28 PM2/6/09
to qsb-mac...@googlegroups.com
Fixed...in the "labels" for the bug, you will see a label marked "type-defect". If you click on that label, it gives you some other options...you want "type-enhancement".



Feb 6, 2009, 1:47:27 PM2/6/09
to qsb-mac...@googlegroups.com
Hmm. Doing that only bring me to search results. Maybe I need to be the owner or moderator for the project or something.


Feb 7, 2009, 10:06:41 AM2/7/09
to QSB Mac General Discussion
There is a definite improved response time between typing an finding a
program, and even launching the program.
My issue is that once a program is launched the QSB bar (with my
selection still in the bar) hangs on the screen
in front of my now-open program. The QSB bar fades after about 15-20
seconds. Anyone else experiencing similar


Feb 7, 2009, 11:53:26 AM2/7/09
to QSB Mac General Discussion
I experience a mild lag as well, but it is not consistent. The only
consistency I can pin down is it depends on which program or action I
am running. e.g. Bean.app there is a 5 second hang of the QSB bar.
Finder, no lag. Actions on the other hand more consistently hang,
e.g. Sleep or Shut Down, the QSB bar hangs on screen. I have a
feeling they'll get tweaked out as development happens. It may be
worth opening an issue, but take a look to see if there is anything
similar http://code.google.com/p/qsb-mac/issues/list


Matt Rodkey

Feb 8, 2009, 3:30:57 PM2/8/09
to QSB Mac General Discussion
I also experience this lag.


Feb 11, 2009, 2:37:13 PM2/11/09
to QSB Mac General Discussion
On Feb 4, 6:10 am, Dave MacLachlan <dmacl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey folks,
> You can grab the latest version of the QSB here:

Significantly faster and significantly better memory use (getting
closer to QS).

Large type is weird to use for address book entries:

1) Type Apple, select Apple Inc. address book entry with Tab
2) Click down arrow twice to get to phone number.
3) Press tab to get to a (more) 3 Actions line with no actions shown!
4) Press tab to show actions, or start typing large type to reveal it
as an option even though not shown before.

I'd expect the phone number should have been the first item in the
list in point (2), but it wasn't. And I expected the actions to be
listed, not hidden in (3), as funkymonkey also mentioned.


Feb 17, 2009, 8:59:18 PM2/17/09
to QSB Mac General Discussion
For some reason I don't get the "text" object and I have yet to get
the twitter object to show up :(

On Feb 4, 2:40 pm, bjtitus <bjti...@gmail.com> wrote:
> When you hit space and type something a "text" object should appear. Then
> tab over to see "more actions" and hit enter. There should be a "send
> twitter status" action.
> On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 12:36 PM, Gary L. Gray <macintoshg...@gmail.com>wrote:
> > On Feb 4, 2009, at 9:53 AM, Dave MacLachlan wrote:
> > >> Anyway, you mentioned "twitter". What does it exactly do? I see the
> > >> Twitter plugin gives it an action to QSB, but I can't get the action
> > >> to show up.
> > >> What's the trigger for it?
> > > Right now the UI for all of this isn't exactly clear ;-)
> > > 1) Open preferences
> > > 2) Go to the accounts pane
> > > 3) Click on "add"
> > > 4) Choose twitter
> > > 5) add your info
> > > 6) close preferences
> > > 7) bring up QSB
> > > 8) hit the spacebar, and then type what you want to tweet
> > > 9) choose the twitter action
> > > Once you've got it set up it's easy to do. The UI will be improving...
> > > we're still trying to figure out exactly how we want it to work.
> > I entered my Twitter account and then I tried executing the above and
> > I am not seeing a Twitter action. What am I missing?
> > -- Gary
> --
> <a href="http://friendfeed.com/bjtitus"><img alt="View my FriendFeed"
> style="border:0;" src="http://friendfeed.com/embed/widget/bjtitus/v-2/hide_logo-1/hide_comme..."/></a>

Dave MacLachlan

Feb 18, 2009, 6:50:52 PM2/18/09
to qsb-mac...@googlegroups.com
You hit the spacebar and then typed and didn't get a text object?

(Just being clear)

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