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Fwd: [WMLQ2024 second circular]

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Paweł Gora

Mar 9, 2024, 2:00:45 AM3/9/24

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From: <>
Date: Sat, Mar 9, 2024 at 12:02 AM
Subject: [WMLQ2024 second circular]
To: Wojciech Krzemień <>, Klimaszewski Konrad <>

Dear Colleagues,

Registration for the 2nd International Workshop on Machine Learning and
Quantum Computing Applications in Medicine and Physics (WMLQ2024) is
open. The deadline for the abstract submission is set for April 23th.

We are happy to announce that the training hands-on sessions will be
held during the workshop: (1) Large Language Models for Private Data and
(2) Quantum Computing Hardware with QGates. The first tutorial will
explore the architecture and data requirements for creating your private
ChatGPT, where no data leaves your computer/server at any point. The
second session will consist of a didactic introduction to the complexity
and challenges of quantum computers using modular hardware that
introduces the basic quantum algorithms.

WMLQ2024 will take place in Warsaw (Poland) from 04 to 07 June 2024. The
workshop will take place in Wspólna Centrum Szkoleniowe, Wspólna Street
56, Warsaw, Poland. The workshop will operate in the on-site format.
More information and details are available at:

The workshop is organized by the National Centre for Nuclear Research in
cooperation with scientists from the University of Vienna, Jagiellonian
University and the Polish National Competence Centre in HPC Phase 2

The first edition of the conference WMLQ2022 proved to be a very
successful platform that fostered multiple fruitful interdisciplinary
discussions and collaborations. Many times similar techniques and tools
are used to solve a variety of problems. The transfer of methods between
disciplines is highly needed and it has repeatedly proved to be a very
fruitful approach. This workshop aims to facilitate such transfers of
knowledge by bringing together experts from various institutions and
research groups in the fields of medical imaging, radiotherapy, physics,
and computer science. The workshop serves as a platform to enable
research at the edge of various disciplines.
The scope of the workshop covers among others quantum simulations,
quantum algorithms, and (classical or quantum) machine-learning
algorithms with a focus on application in Physics and Medicine.

The link to the previous edition WMLQ2022:

Feel free to share this invitation with your peers and whoever you think
would be interested. Please, do not hesitate to contact us in case of
any questions:

Best regards,
Wojciech Krzemien
on behalf of the organizers
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