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QO Statement on Anti-2SLGBTQIA+ Extremism and Hatred (+ Meeting w/ Min. Lecce)

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Queer Ontario

Sep 25, 2023, 4:31:17 PM9/25/23
to qo-news, qo-steering

Afternoon everyone,


In light of the disturbing uptick in hatred and extremism directed at 2SLGBTQIA+ communities in recent months and the ongoing public discussion about school board policies pertaining to names and pronouns in Ontario and elsewhere, I write respecting QO's efforts to secure a meeting with Education Minister Steven Lecce.


Over the past three weeks, we have made three attempts to secure a meeting with the Minister of Education. Only recently did we receive acknowledgement of our requests, indicating that his office will follow up. In the meantime, 2SLGBTQIA+ students are increasingly vulnerable and unsafe, teachers and staff are being placed in an impossible predicament that puts the confidentiality and personal safety of their students at risk, school boards are being undermined for carrying out procedures designed to protect queer and trans students, and parents are being stripped of the opportunity to discuss these sensitive matters in an educative and caring way.


Queer Ontario calls on the Government of Ontario make a clear commitment not to move forward with the development of policies similar to those in New Brunswick and Saskatchewan, to refrain from engaging in divisive commentary, and to open opportunities, for students, parents, teachers, staff, and school boards across Ontario to engage in nuanced, meaningful discussions that respect a plurality of gender and sexual minorities while upholding the principles of safety and respect for all students in the school system.


Please read our full statement detailing the issues at play and circulate it widely in your networks and on social media. We will be counting on your support and will keep you apprised of developments.


In solidarity,




Leonard Halladay

Chairperson, Queer Ontario

QO Statement on Anti-2SLGBTQIA+ Extremism and Hatred, FINAL.pdf
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