Hi Everyone,
For those interested, yours truly will be co-presenting at this Public Forum that Queer Ontario is co-sponsoring.
Nick Mulé
Member at Large,
Queer Ontario
METHodologies is a study about chemsex and party 'n play (PNP) social-sexual cultures among men who have sex with men (gay, bisexual, trans males) in Toronto by Dr. Nick Mulé and Dr. Andrew Zealley. Crystal meth is a pleasure enhancing drug that is having varied effects on its users, and those affiliated with them. This public forum will present study findings through video, two vinyl phonograph records, and a chapbook, intended as a community resource and tool. Join us for refreshments, knowledge sharing, and an open discussion. Tuesday, March 21, 2023, from 7-10 pm, at Buddies in Bad Times Theatre -- Tallulah's Cabaret, this event is free and open to all.