Re: [QLab] Crossfading Video Cues

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Mike Post

Jun 11, 2023, 1:10:59 AM6/11/23
Hi Jacob,

The trick to making crossfades more elegant is to use QLab's innate layering features.  If you notice on the Geometry tab in the Inspector for a Video cue, you can set a Layer (usually Top) for a video file. You can change the Layer to Bottom by clicking on the up arrow next to that box which means the video will play under the one currently playing, hidden by it.  Then if you fade out the video on top, it gives you a crossfade. 

One strategy here for lots of crossfades is to play all your video files on the bottom layer.  The one that starts first will hide the next one and so forth.

There's lots of layers to play with if you want to get really fancy, but I usually find that just causes a bigger management headache.  Top and Bottom seem to work for most of what I do.

Also, you should stop a video if you are done with it to clean up your memory space.  There's a check box on the Geometry tab of the Fade cue to "Stop target when done."

So your cues would look like this:

1-3, Layer Bottom, Autocontinue
fade and stop 1-2 duration 3

Hope that helps!

Mike Post

On Jun 10, 2023, at 6:31 PM, Jacob <> wrote:

<Screenshot 2023-06-11 at 9.31.02 am.png>

Graham Coates

Jun 11, 2023, 10:54:59 AM6/11/23
I actually have a Muggle at my theatre that asked me how to make pictures fade in and out for a kids program that she’s building. There’s only like 8 pics so I said, “import all the pictures and set the surface to our projector. Then set the opacity to 0.”
Put em all into a group and set them all to auto continue. (Except the last one)
Create 2 fades for each video. One with the opacity set to 0 and the other to 100. 
Put all of these into the group with the pictures to keep them out of the way. 

Then outside that group I pair the fades with the first on auto continue. 

So if I am currently seeing picture 1 on the projector and I wanna fade to picture 6. 
I make a copy of the 0 opacity picture 1 and the 100% opacity for picture 6. Then set the first one to auto continue. 

I’ll post a picture later if you like, but it works like a charm, and since pics are all low ish quality the computer has no prob running all at 0 percent opacity for the duration of the show. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 10, 2023, at 10:10 PM, Mike Post <> wrote:

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