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Kalman Tarr

Jun 4, 2024, 3:12:17 AMJun 4
to QLab
Hi Pro's,
I have got a silly question, is there a method to set one of Qlab pref (e.g. mean Time between each Go) in background. I mean not need to open the window. Hope my question is understandable.



Jun 4, 2024, 5:16:46 AMJun 4
to QLab

Kalman Tarr

Jun 8, 2024, 6:14:03 AMJun 8
to QLab
Hi Mic,
This is a good solution to my problem.
But what about others, e.g. Fade Curve setting  in Templates. I looked at the user pdf, but i didn't find any ideas. Something escaped my attention? I have soution to set this parameter but I do not like to open Settings panel. Ok. Is there any method in applescript to set a HIDDEN WINDOW parameter? I mean, you should avoid opening the window.
If there is no solution then there is none.
It is true or not?


Jun 8, 2024, 6:57:06 PMJun 8
to QLab
If it's not in the AppleScript or OSC dictionary, only UI scripting will work, and UI scripting will only work if the window is open, i.e., it has a user interface.

The OSC dictionary is sometimes difficult to search. Finding  the OSC to set the minimum go time will only work with goitime  as your text in the find box. go time will give 0 result,  as will minimum go. 

However, it's quite easy to quickly establish that there is nothing in the OSC dictionary to set templates as finding template in the dictionary will only give 1 result which is not one that will set a template parameter.


Sam Kusnetz

Jun 8, 2024, 8:53:48 PMJun 8
On Jun 8, 2024 at 6:57:06 PM, micpool <> wrote:
The OSC dictionary is sometimes difficult to search. Finding  the OSC to set the minimum go time will only work with goitime  as your text in the find box. go time will give 0 result,  as will minimum go. 

That’s something I can improve! I’ll work on that.

Sam Kusnetz (he/him) | Figure 53

Kalman Tarr

Jun 9, 2024, 4:18:31 AMJun 9
to QLab
Thanks both of you for your replies. 
So the simple answer is No. As I thought just UI scripting the way to set other parameters.
I'll show you my solution to set Fade Cue Shape param.

tell application "System Events" to tell (first application process whose bundle identifier is "com.figure53.QLab.5")

tell application "QLab" to activate

keystroke "," using command down

select row 5 of table 1 of scroll area 1 of window 1

click button 1 of window 1 --  cue templates

select row 8 of outline 1 of scroll area 1 of splitter group 1 of window 1

click button 3 of group 1 of splitter group 1 of window 1

-- the menu popup

tell pop up button 2 of group 1 of splitter group 1 of window 1


delay 0.1

click menu item 3 of menu 1

end tell

-- then Value of Intensity

tell text field 2 of group 1 of splitter group 1 of window 1

set focused to true

delay 0.1

set value to 1.1 as text

end tell

tell application "System Events" to keystroke (key code 36)

click button "Done" of window 1

end tell

Is there an easier solution?
I learned this in UI scripting.


Jun 9, 2024, 10:24:37 AMJun 9
to QLab
Having ruled out Foxtrot and Devonthink as too expensive,  I have found a  free way of searching the QLab documentation to turn up results that go beyond the simple phrase match of a browser search by using PDF search by MOZKAN ( the free version will let you get search results from the first 2 documents it finds) and getting it to index the PDF version of QLab's documentation (which includes the OSC and Applescript dictionaries together with the full manual.). It seems astoundingly good at locating OSC and script methods and addresses, which fail to show up when using the find box in a browser with the online documentation

e.g my previous example, go time produces 0 results in the browser, but the OSC /settings/general/minGoTime {number} is the Rank 1 answer when using PDF search to search the whole QLab manual

Screenshot 2024-06-09 at 14.31.12.png

Playhead Move produces 9 results in a browser displaying just the OSC dictionary, but none of these 9 finds are  an OSC method to move the playhead
In PDF Search the Rank 17 search is the first OSC address that will move the playhead, but that is because it has ranked the Applescript  and navigation methods of moving the playhead higher.

Screenshot 2024-06-09 at 14.41.37.png

However,  if I index just the  OSC dictionary from the website the above snippet is Ranked 4

Final example, trigger timecode

Screenshot 2024-06-09 at 14.55.47.png

If you have an Apple Silicon Mac, the iPad version is much cheaper as a paid version than the  Mac Version (and you can use it on your iPad too!). The paid version will also OCR and index all the text in the screenshots in the manual and would allow you to get results from all the web-published QLab learning resources simultaneously, with very sophisticated and accurate ranking of results. 

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