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Maurice Bruttel

Sep 10, 2015, 9:55:44 AM9/10/15
to QLab
Hey Guys, 
I have some questions.. 

1. Does someone use the Novation Launchpad for QLAB? If yes, how? (: 
2. How can I jump from as example from 10seconds to 1minute23seconds?
3. How is it possible to adjust my Launchpad, so that I can select specific songs with respective buttons?
4. Do you rent the ProBundle or whatever for your Event, or do you use it with the normal License? 

Thank you very much for response..

Charles Coes List Serve Account

Sep 10, 2015, 11:33:37 AM9/10/15
to ql...@googlegroups.com
Those are very different questions! Answers below
> 1. Does someone use the Novation Launchpad for QLAB? If yes, how? (:
I've done it in a number of ways, all with the original launchpad - using 3/4 of the pad as hotkey triggers for groups containing sound files, and MIDI cues that change the colors on the launchpad (green for ready to go, yellow for playing, red for stopping/reloading)
then the last quarter (lower right) is setup as transport controls for the main cues list. It's wonderful for rehearsals.
> 2. How can I jump from as example from 10seconds to 1minute23seconds?
you can click in the 'time and loops' tab to move the playhead. you can pause, use a load cue, and start again...
> 3. How is it possible to adjust my Launchpad, so that I can select specific songs with respective buttons?
You will need to use 'hotkey' triggers for those songs, and the configuration is almost entirely in Qlab.
> 4. Do you rent the ProBundle or whatever for your Event, or do you use it with the normal License
> ?

I do a lot of shows, so own a bundle license that is almost always in use. For more sporadic shows I advise people to rent... How often are you performing? how quickly will you have paid for a license?

Charles Coes
"Words ought to be a little wild, for they are the assault of thoughts on the unthinking" -John Maynard Keynes

Maurice Bruttel

Sep 10, 2015, 12:40:42 PM9/10/15
to QLab
hm, how can I explain it.. 

I would like to have in the first Row on Button 1 Song Number 1 and when I click on Button A it triggers a GO!
Second Row etc..

So, I didn't found the Option to get Feedback on my Launchpad..

Charles Coes List Serve Account

Sep 10, 2015, 1:08:01 PM9/10/15
to ql...@googlegroups.com
Qlab doesn't natively support the launchpad - you have to use MIDI CC messages as documented in the novation programmer's guide to speak back.  

Charles Coes
"Words ought to be a little wild, for they are the assault of thoughts on the unthinking" -John Maynard Keynes

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Sep 10, 2015, 9:45:31 PM9/10/15
to QLab
what you need to do is to setup some cues in QLab that send and receive the appropriate MIDI CCs and/or note values. you can use QLab's MIDI listen mode for the initial setup.

if you want feedback you need to explicitly send MIDI back to the LaunchPad...

Jeremy Goldstein

Nov 17, 2015, 12:49:00 PM11/17/15
to QLab

Would it be possible to elaborate a bit on the MIDI CC messages you are using to get Launchpad LED to illuminate? I've been reading through the Launchpad programmers guide, and I am really struggling to wrap my brain around it. Perhaps you have an example Qlab file you could share? I'd pick it up pretty quickly by seeing an example.

Thanks in advance!


Charles Coes List Serve Account

Nov 17, 2015, 2:48:42 PM11/17/15
to ql...@googlegroups.com
Take a look here:

Charles Coes
"Forms and rhythms in music are never changed without producing changes in the most important political forms and ways" - Plato

Jeremy Goldstein

Nov 17, 2015, 3:32:39 PM11/17/15
to QLab
I've been through that document pretty well, and I've made some progress as it applies to QLab. I guess I was just more curious about your particular workflow within QLab for using the LEDs. Looking for any tips or tricks. As I have it figured right now, its pretty cumbersome to build LEDs into my show. At the end of the day, I really wish there was some greater motivation for Figure53 to build some native functions to address these third party MIDI controllers.

Erik Rietman

Nov 17, 2015, 3:55:29 PM11/17/15
to QLab
I use the Launchpad with Qlab for our show. Attached you'll find a workspace which I use to programm it. It's not the most effecient one but it works. Be aware that the launchpad can drain a huge amout of power on your USB bus while using the leds. Mine stopped working halfway the show, so I had to iimprovise...


Launchpad midi leds.cues

Charles Coes List Serve Account

Nov 17, 2015, 4:01:51 PM11/17/15
to ql...@googlegroups.com
I don't have a workspace with me, but there was a lot of repetition of turning LEDs on and off in it.  well worth it, but it took some time to build.  If you want to start building custom solutions, it's part of the deal, and i think that's the nature of Qlab integrating with hardware at this point.  If they are interested in opening it up, i think it woudl be to some standard like MCU or EUCON that works across multiple platforms.

Charles Coes
"Forms and rhythms in music are never changed without producing changes in the most important political forms and ways" - Plato

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<Launchpad midi leds.cues>


Nov 17, 2015, 5:57:11 PM11/17/15
to QLab
i always use a Launchpad Miini with QLab now, and i would never want to work without it.

it's true it is a bit cumbersome to set up the MIDI cues, but once done it improves my workflow immensely.

i use a separate cue list for the Launchpad cues.

firstly i have dedicated buttons for most of the main workspace controls (go, panic, preview, pause, resume, etc.). then i map buttons to specific cue points that i regularly need to jump to during tech or rehearsals. some of these are simple GOTO cues. others use LOAD and START cues to jump into specific transition points. and i have a few emergency buttons that skip parts of my main cue list in spots where a performer might mess up.

finally, i have group cues that set the Launchpad buttons amber/red/green depending on what they do. more colours would better but i prefer the size of the Launchpad Mini (and space in most operating positions is at a premium). the Launchpad Mini is also a class-compliant device so no extra drivers are needed. also, i find the button action on the Launchpad Mini is good for this purpose (much better than the first generation Launchpad).

since you can use QLab's MIDI listen function, you don't actually need to refer to any documentation to set up this kind of stuff. just hit the 'Capture' button in QLab and press the appropriate button on the Launchpad.

i use a spreadsheet to keep track of all the button assignments...

Jeremy Goldstein

Nov 19, 2015, 10:43:44 AM11/19/15
to QLab
Thanks for the input and examples. Some good info here. I think I'll be able to work some of this into my workflow. Its a bit tough, as all of my work with Qlab is based around one-off corporate shows, essentially a new show/client every week. This makes the amount of time needed to setup LEDs a little too consuming in many scenarios. 

I still would love some basic functions to exist in Qlab, such as a simple way to have a launchpad button light up whenever that button is captured into a Qlab cue. Or an easy way to have that button change colors while the cue is running, then change back when the cue ends. These are the types of things that just aren't realistic to program when you are building shows on the fly during a client rehearsal. Charles does make a solid case for why that may never be native, but I know Chris @ Figure53 keeps up on these forums, and I've got no problem being the squeaky wheel. (as he well knows)

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