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Any way to install and use qiime ?

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Nidhal Ghanmi

May 22, 2020, 11:05:44 AM5/22/20
to Qiime 1 Forum
Hello Mates

Can I get your support answering my question about if it is possible to install qiime ?

But can not finish installation because of UCLUST!!

Please anyway to install it ? or to excute that exists on /bin/

I am using Debian 10

Please help 🙏


May 22, 2020, 11:16:13 AM5/22/20
to Qiime 1 Forum

Unless you absolutely need to use QIIME1, I would use QIIME 2:
QIIME 1 is no longer supported or updated.

Also, that is an older version of QIIME 1, you could try the miniconda approach for QIIME 1 version 1.9.1:

But, if you need to do QIIME 1.4.0 to reproduce a specific analysis or something like that, it gets trickier. It seems the uclust binary software (which was hosted by Robert Edgar, its creator) is gone. Hopefully you don't need that software specifically (or the different versions of QIIME above will resolve your question).

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