MacQIIME Idas-MacBook-Pro:~ $ cd qiime_tutorial
MacQIIME Idas-MacBook-Pro:qiime_tutorial $ -m Fasting_Map.txt -o mapping_output
Error in option -m: file does not exist: 'Fasting_Map.txt'
Have I simply saved this folder in the wrong place? Sorry for a pretty silly question but as I said, just started to try to get my head around this...
Thank you,
MacQIIME Idas-MacBook-Pro:~ $ cd qiime_tutorial
MacQIIME Idas-MacBook-Pro:qiime_tutorial $ ls
18S_tutorial_files Fasting_Example.qual
Fasting_Example.fna Fasting_Example.sff
MacQIIME Idas-MacBook-Pro:qiime_tutorial $
MacQIIME Idas-MacBook-Pro:~ $ -i /users/idacarolinelundbeck/Fastq_files_YBG -o /users/idacarolinelundbeck/Fastq_files_YBG/joined
This gives me a folder for each sample which contains 3 files: Fastq.join.fastq, Fastq.un1.fastq and Fastq.un2.fastq!
I am not too sure of which of these files to use?
I tried to run the just right after on the files in the 'jones' folder and it worked fine to run...
however it was not until after I realised that the analysis then might be on unpaired ones, particularly form the reverse reads that are kept and included? Would I need to move all files to a new folder, delete un1 and un2 and re-run on just the Fastq.join.fastq files?
Thanks again for all the help! :)