I obtained two fastqc files (for and rev illumina) consisting of different libraries with several different samples, I would like to extract these archive only samples of my study
Then performed the following steps:
1) fastq join (script of qiime) is merging for and rev all complementary reads.
2) convert to fastq - >> .fna (fasta) and .qual files
3) splity library
In step 3, I had the following error message below, but I already verified my mapping file (by qiime script) and I don't have any errors in the mapping file.
Step 3) splity library:
administrator@l1618479[step_2_fastaqual] /usr/lib/qiime/bin/ -m ./validate_mapp/mapp_corrected_corrected.txt -f fastqjoin.join.fna -q fastqjoin.join.qual -o split_library_output -b 12
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/qiime/bin/", line 411, in <module>
File "/usr/lib/qiime/bin/", line 408, in main
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/qiime/", line 1289, in preprocess
barcode_type, added_demultiplex_field)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/qiime/", line 310, in check_map
'identify problems.')
ValueError: Errors were found with mapping file, please run to identify problems.
Back in the step 2) convert to fastq - >> .fna (fasta) and .qual files
Alternatively I thought about using script for recovery my sequences by ID (because my fastq have the ID for each sample, exemple @ABC_1 ### In the illumina fastq header) in the file .fna (fasta)
However I have to make a script to also remove the qualities information of these same IDs (samples that interest me) present in the general file .qual (containing quality for all samples), so only the qualities of my samples (IDs).
Is there a script in qiime that removes the qualities informations only of my sample by ID?
Does anyone have any suggestions or alternative?
Thank you for your attention