Hello all,
I have two plates worth of 454 fasta reads that I concatenated together, that I was hoping to demultiplex with split_libraries.py.
Split libraries works fine if I just apply it to one of the two plates. For a working example, one can run the following, with the attached files.
split_libraries.py -m mapping_file_test_prefix_plate1only.csv -f test_454_plate1only.fna -b 6 -z truncate_remove -o test_prefix_out_plate1only_norunprefix
In this case two of the five sequences (that I include in this toy example) make it through all of the filtering steps. So far, so good.
Now I combine the two fasta files and try to use the run_prefix example.
split_libraries.py -m mapping_file_test_prefix.csv -f test_454.fna -b 6 -z truncate_remove -o test_prefix_out -j run_prefix
In this case, none of the nine sequences in the merged fasta file make it into the output file. It seems like I must be misspelling the prefixes or something but I can't seem to find my mistake. Any advice?