Hi there! I have another doubts how to proceed with my analysis to test significance between the treatments I have and depending on time of the incubation. I have split the otu tables according to treatments and time and tested individually by group_significance.py. but I am wondering if there is any script that allows me to test the 2 factors together. let's say I would like to compute the significance on the abundance depending on the treatment but I have independent sampling along time scale. so I would like also to know if the incubation time is affecting the variation. there is a way how to test time series samples in Qiime? in the table a little portion of my samples for you to see. let's say that 37-42 are triplicates of 1 treatment relative to 2 time points, 43-48 the control relative to 2 time points as well. the complete set has 4 treatments and 3 time points. I have the 1.8 version of qiime. Thanks you folks for help. all the best, Vale EXTRACT OF TABLE from summarize_taxa (trimming the rare otu)