System information
Platform: linux2
Python version: 2.7.6 (default, Jun 22 2015, 17:58:13) [GCC 4.8.2]
Python executable: /usr/bin/python
QIIME default reference information
For details on what files are used as QIIME's default references, see here:
Dependency versions
QIIME library version: 1.9.1
QIIME script version: 1.9.1+dfsg-1biolinux3
qiime-default-reference version: 0.1.3
NumPy version: 1.8.2
SciPy version: 0.13.3
pandas version: 0.13.1
matplotlib version: 1.3.1
biom-format version: 2.1.4
h5py version: 2.2.1 (HDF5 version: 1.8.11)
qcli version: 0.1.0
pyqi version: 0.3.2
scikit-bio version: 0.2.3
PyNAST version: 1.2.2
Emperor version: 0.9.51
burrito version: 0.9.1
burrito-fillings version: 0.1.1
sortmerna version: SortMeRNA version 2.0, 29/11/2014
sumaclust version: SUMACLUST Version 1.0.01
swarm version: Swarm 1.2.20 [Feb 1 2015 09:42:15]
gdata: Not installed.
QIIME config values
For definitions of these settings and to learn how to configure QIIME, see here:
blastmat_dir: /usr/share/ncbi/data
cluster_jobs_fp: None
pick_otus_reference_seqs_fp: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/qiime_default_reference/gg_13_8_otus/rep_set/97_otus.fasta
jobs_to_start: 1
pynast_template_alignment_blastdb: None
qiime_scripts_dir: /usr/lib/qiime/bin/
working_dir: .
pynast_template_alignment_fp: /usr/share/qiime/data/core_set_aligned.fasta.imputed
python_exe_fp: python
temp_dir: /tmp/
assign_taxonomy_reference_seqs_fp: # /usr/share/qiime/data/gg_13_8_otus/rep_set/97_otus.fasta
blastall_fp: blastall
seconds_to_sleep: 60
assign_taxonomy_id_to_taxonomy_fp: # /usr/share/qiime/data/gg_13_8_otus/taxonomy/97_otu_taxonomy.txt
The command to do Otu Picking was: -i seqs.fna -r ../../../../97_otus.fasta -o OtuPickingV4q20
Thanks for your help!