pipeline understanding from assign_taxonomy.py to biom add-metadata

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Guerrino Macori

18. mar. 2017, 08.16.0618.03.2017
til Qiime 1 Forum
Hello Qiime users,
I would like to ask you a clarification about the command and the output of the following stage of the pipeline.

In order to assign the taxonomy to each sequence I used this command:

assign_taxonomy.py -i FILE.fasta -r 97_otus.fasta -t 97_otu_taxonomy.txt 

That generates the following files:



Now, I would like to generate the final.biom but, using the following command:

biom add-metadata -i FILE_tax_assignments.txt -o final.biom -m FILE_Map.txt 

I'm receiving an error:

ValueError: could not convert string to float: Unassigned

I converted the file in biom as well but with the same kind of error. Can somebody explain me better what's the error in the command please?

Thanks in advance!

Daniel McDonald

20. mar. 2017, 12.29.5820.03.2017
til Qiime 1 Forum
Hi Guerrino,

The biom add-metadata command requires a few additional pieces of information. First, you need to specify your OTU table as "-i". Second, your taxonomy assignments need to be passed to "--observation-metadata-fp". Third, you need to indicate what columns within your taxonomy assignment file you'd like to load into the BIOM table, and this can be done with "--observation-header OTUID,taxonomy". Last, your taxonomy assignments are (likely) semicolon separated, so you need to specify "--sc-pipe-separated taxonomy". I believe that should resolve your issue.

$ biom add-metadata -i <your_otu_table.biom> -o final.biom --observation-metadata-fp FILE_tax_assignments.txt --observation-header OTUID,taxonomy --sc-pipe-separated taxonomy


Guerrino Macori

20. mar. 2017, 19.55.5620.03.2017
til Qiime 1 Forum
Dear Daniel,
Thanks a lot for your explanation. I proceed with the following command:

$ biom add-metadata -i ~/merged.biom -o ~/final.biom --observation-metadata-fp ~/FILE_tax_assignments.txt --observation-header OTUID,taxonomy --sc-pipe-separated

This generated the file final.biom. I am trying to understand if the file generated is correct and if I can proceed with it for the creation of the graphs and downstream analysis.

Thanks in advance again

Daniel McDonald

21. mar. 2017, 19.50.2921.03.2017
til Qiime 1 Forum

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