recommended taxonomy for Silva 18S

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Colin Brislawn

Mar 14, 2016, 3:02:44 AM3/14/16
to Qiime 1 Forum, William Walters
Good afternoon,

I'm planning on using Silva 119 to assign taxonomy to 18S data. I wanted to check in on the recommended taxonomic annotations.

I play to use this sequence file:

What matching taxonomic file would you suggest?

Thank you for the input.

Also, if there is any other things I should consider when working with 18S data, please let me know.
I appreciate the advice,
Colin Brislawn


Mar 14, 2016, 7:36:21 AM3/14/16
to Qiime 1 Forum,
The /Silva119_release/taxonomy_eukaryotes/97/taxonomy_97_7_levels_18S.txt file is the taxonomy that is pulled directly from the representative sequence for that OTU. The majority file matches taxonomy from all sequences in the OTU, and if a taxa string for a given level is less than 90% for a given level, it becomes unclassified. The consensus taxonomy file requires 100% match across all sequences in the OTU, or the taxonomy becomes ambiguous. So the taxonomy should be more assured for the majority/consensus taxonomy at the potential cost of having less depth.

There are not hard and fast rules as to which to go with, but I would suggest going with the majority taxonomy.

Colin Brislawn

Mar 14, 2016, 12:51:12 PM3/14/16
to Qiime 1 Forum,
I would suggest going with the majority taxonomy.
Thanks Tony. Thanks exactly the kind of recommendation I was looking for. 

I really appreciate you manually curating this database, and providing documentation on how you did it, and providing support and commentary long after it's release. This is a huge contribution and I greatly appreciate it.

Thanks for everything Tony,
Colin Brislawn 

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